MOSIS IC Fabrication
SCMOS Design Rules
IRSIM Tutorial
IRSIM User Manual
SPICE3 manual
| Lectures
Lecture 0: Introduction
Lecture 1: CMOS Circuits and Layout
Lecture 2: Design Flow
Lecture 4: MOS Transistor Theory
Lecture 5: DC and Transient Response
Lecture 6: Logical Effort
Lecture 8: Simulation
Lecture 10: Combinational Circuits
Lecture 11: Circuit Families
Lecture 13: Sequential Circuits
Lecture 14: Interconnect Engineering
Lecture 15: Adders
Lecture 16: Datapath Functions
Lecture 17: SRAM
Lecture 18: ROMs, CAMs, PLAs
Lecture 19: Nonideal Transistors
Lecture 21: Design for Low Power
Lecture 22: Circuit Pitfalls
Lecture 23: Scaling & Economics
Lecture 24: Design for Test
Lecture 25: Special Purpose Systems
Lecture 26: CPU Hall of Fame
| People
Prof. David Harris
Thomas Barr
Stephen Brawner
Eddie Chavarria
Howard Chen
Andrew Chin
Cassie Chou
Michael Dayringer
Jaques Favreau
Justin Gries
Ronn Gruer
Nan Jiang
Austin Katzin
Danny LaValle
Dane Linblad
Matthew McKnett
Carl Nygaard
Bart Oegema
John Parker
Nathaniel Pinckney
Daniel Pivonka
Richard Priddell
Michael Saldana
Nathaniel Schlossberg
William Schulze
Nikhil Sonde
Matthew Totino
Anthony Weerasinghe
Matthew Weiner
Nancy Yu