Calculation of Data Fits and Confidence Intervals

Reference Materials
- The PDF of the 2016 PowerPoint is found here.
- The streaming video of the 2016 lecture will eventually be here. In the meantime, log on to Sakai, go to the HM ENGR80.X 2016 tab (where X is your section number, 1,2,3, or 4), click on the MediaSite link in the left navigation bar, if necessary click on the press here to launch link, and then watch the E80 - 2016S - Rm. Recital Hall_1/21/2016 video.
- The PDF of the 2015 PowerPoint is found here.
- The 2015 .pptx is found here.
- The streaming video of the 2015 lecture is here.
- The PDF of the class notes, Data Analysis, Standard Error, and Confidence Limits, is here.
- The Mathematica notebook for taking derivatives is here.
- The stat demo VI is here. It als need the subVI here.
- The integration demo VI is here.
- The spreadsheet with the class examples is here.
- The NIST Engineering Statistics Handbook link is here: <>
- The ISO Guide to the Expression of Uncertainty in Measurement link is here: <>
The video of the 2014 lecture should have been found here. The PDF of the Lecture Notes is here. The NIST Engineering Statistics Handbook link is:
The video of the 2013 lecture is found here. The PDF of the Lecture Notes is here.
The video of the 2012 lecture is found here. The PDF of the lecture notes for the 2012 lecture are here.
There is a PDF of the PowerPoint used in class in 2011. There is also a PDF available of the 2011 lecture notes on Data Analysis and Confidence Intervals. We have a paper entitled Optimal Design of Experiments for Sensor Calibration available to peruse, but the math and statistics are a little dense. View it and use it if you desire.
There is also a table of single-sided and two-sided Student t values in PDF format.