Vibrations and System Identification

The PDF of the 2016 PowerPoint is here. The streaming video of the lecture may eventually be here. In the meantime, log on to Sakai, go to the HM ENGR80.X 2016 tab (where X is your section number, 1,2,3, or 4), click on the MediaSite link in the left navigation bar, if necessary click on the press here to launch link, and then watch the E80 - 2016S - Rm. Recital Hall_2/18/2016 video.
The PDF of the 2015 PowerPoint is here. The streaming video of the lecture is here.
The video of the 2014 Lecture is here. The 2014 PowerPoint is here. The PDF of the 2014 PowerPoint is here.
The video of the 2013 Lecture is here. The PDF of the 2013 PowerPoint is here.
The following resources are also available
- The PowerPoint file of the 2009 Lecture.
- The PDF of the 2008 Lecture Notes.
- A PDF of the dynamic modes of a beam from 2008.
- An explanation of the method used by to generate the FRF is found in this link from E80 TOS. The VI is presently set to use the force window for the hammer and the exponential window for the sensors.