Cool Stuff

Rocket Info, Static Test Data, Flight Data, Videos
Both the development work for E80 and the students in the class have generated a great deal of information of interest to rocketry enthusiasts.
- The Prev. Gen. Rockets section contains (or will contain) detailed information about the rockets themselves and the commercial and custom avionics we have flown.
- We have has on-board video on a number of our flights, and analysis of the video in conjunction with the flight data is one of the tasks students are expected to undertake. The videos that have been posted are found here.
- In addition, we have videoed several of the static motor tests (every student team is expected to static test three motors). These videos are found here.
- We will eventually have a large selection of the photographs from the class and the development available here.
- For those who want detailed thrust curves, the data files from the class were sampled at 10 kSPS with 16-bit resolution. The files and some LabVIEW VIs for reading and interpreting the files are available here.
- Finally, there is a large number of data files, principally taken with a R-DAS, from the development effort and the class. The files in ".rd" and in text format are available here. There are also links to the videos for specific flights on the page and a LabVIEW VI or two for interpreting the data.
If you have questions about how the files were generated, or how to interpret them, don't hesitate to email Professor Spjut and ask.