E80 Spring 2016

Auntie Spark's Guides


Auntie Spark is an E80 alumna who wants to share with all of the E80 students the benefit of her wisdom. She was the Hermione Granger of E80 and studied far beyond the realm normally encountered in E80. She despises Metalstorm, Dark Matter, and Skidmark propellants. Her patronus is shown in the image to the left. Because of her expertise and faculty-like know-it-all attitude, the faculty approached her about writing up some guides to assist the new E80 students with some of the subtleties.

If you think there are other topics or techniques that would benefit from Auntie Spark writing a guide, let the faculty know.

The Guides

Auntie Spark's Guide to Breadboarding Circuits

Auntie Spark's Guide to Data Collection VIs

Auntie Spark's Guide to Error Analysis

Auntie Spark's Guide to Measuring First-Order Time Constants

Auntie Spark's Guide to Measuring First-Order Time Constants with LabVIEW and a myDAQ

Auntie Spark's Guide to Linear Frequency Filtering

Auntie Spark's Guide to Op-Amp Circuits

Auntie Spark's Guide to Voltage, Current, and Resistance Measurements

Auntie Spark's Guide to Voltage Regulators

| ©2015 Harvey Mudd College