Quasi-Newton Methods

As we have seen above, Newton's methods can be used to solve both nonlinear systems to find roots of a set of simultaneous equations, and optimization problems to minimize a scalar-valued objective function based on the iterations of the same form. Specifically,

If the Jacobian ${\bf J}({\bf x})$ or the Hessian matrix ${\bf H}({\bf x})$ is not available, or if it is too computationally costly to calculate its inverse (with complexity $O(N^3)$), the quasi-Newton methods can be used to approximate the Hessian matrix or its inverse based only on the first order derivative, the gradient ${\bf g}$ of $f({\bf x})$ (with complexity $O(N^2)$), similar to Broyden's method previously considered.

In the following, we consider the minimization of a function $f({\bf x})$. Its Taylor expansion around point ${\bf x}_{n+1}$ is

$\displaystyle f({\bf x})=f({\bf x}_{n+1})+({\bf x}-{\bf x}_{n+1})^T {\bf g}_{n+...
({\bf x}-{\bf x}_{n+1})+O(\vert\vert{\bf x}-{\bf x}_{n+1}\vert\vert^3)$ (80)

Taking derivetive with respect to ${\bf x}$, we get

$\displaystyle \frac{d}{d{\bf x}}f({\bf x})={\bf g}({\bf x})
={\bf g}_{n+1}+{\bf H}_{n+1} ({\bf x}-{\bf x}_{n+1})
+O(\vert\vert{\bf x}-{\bf x}_{n+1}\vert\vert^2)$ (81)

Evaluating at ${\bf x}={\bf x}_n$, we have ${\bf g}({\bf x}_n)={\bf g}_n$, and the above can be written as
$\displaystyle {\bf g}_{n+1}-{\bf g}_n$ $\displaystyle =$ $\displaystyle {\bf H}_{n+1}({\bf x}_{n+1}-{\bf x}_n)
+O(\vert\vert{\bf x}_{n+1}-{\bf x}_n\vert\vert^2)$  
  $\displaystyle =$ $\displaystyle {\bf B}_{n+1}({\bf x}_{n+1}-{\bf x}_n)$ (82)

where matrix ${\bf B}_n$ is the secant approximation of the Hessian matrix ${\bf H}_n$, and the last eqality is called the secant equation. For convenience, we further define:

$\displaystyle {\bf s}_n={\bf x}_{n+1}-{\bf x}_n,\;\;\;\;\;\;
{\bf y}_n={\bf g}_{n+1}-{\bf g}_n$ (83)

so that the equation above can be written as

$\displaystyle {\bf B}_{n+1}{\bf s}_n={\bf y}_n,\;\;\;\;\;$or$\displaystyle \;\;\;\;\;
{\bf B}_{n+1}^{-1}{\bf y}_n={\bf s}_n$ (84)

This is the quasi-Newton equation, which is the secant condition that must be satisfied by matrix ${\bf B}_n$, or its inverse ${\bf B}_n^{-1}$, in any of the quasi-Newton algorithms, all taking the follow general steps:
  1. Initialize ${\bf x}_0$ and ${\bf B}_0$, set $n=0$;
  2. Compute gradient ${\bf g}_n$ and the search direction ${\bf d}_n=-{\bf B}_n^{-1}{\bf g}_n$;
  3. Get ${\bf x}_{n+1}={\bf x}_n+\delta{\bf d}_n$ with step size $\delta$ satisfying the Wolfe conditions.
  4. update ${\bf B}_{n+1}={\bf B}_n+\Delta{\bf B}_n$ or ${\bf B}_{n+1}^{-1}={\bf B}_n^{-1}+\Delta{\bf B}_n^{-1}$, that satisfies the quasi-Newton equation;
  5. If termination condition is not satisfied, $n=n+1$, go back to second step.
For this iteration to converge to a local minimum of $f({\bf x})$, ${\bf B}_n$ must be positive definite matrix, same as the Hessian matrix ${\bf H}$ it approximates. Specially, if ${\bf B}_n={\bf I}$, then ${\bf d}_n=-{\bf g}_n$, the algorithm becomes the gradient descent method; also, if ${\bf B}_n={\bf H}_n$ is the Hessian matrix, then the algorithm becomes the Newton's method.

In a quasi-Newton method, we can choose to update either ${\bf B}_n$ or its inverse ${\bf B}_n^{-1}$ based on one of the two forms of the quasi-Newton equation. We note that there is a dual relationship between the two ways to update, i.e., by swapping ${\bf y}_n$ and ${\bf s}_m$, an update formula for ${\bf B}_n$ can be directly applied to its inverse and vice versa.

In both the DFP and BFGS methods, matrix ${\bf B}_n^{-1}$, as well as ${\bf B}_n$, must be positive definite, i.e., ${\bf z}^T{\bf B}_n{\bf z} > 0$ must hold for any ${\bf z}\ne{\bf0}$. We now prove that this requirement is satisfied if the curvature condition of the Wolfe conditions is satisfied:

$\displaystyle {\bf g}_{n+1}^T {\bf d}_n \ge c_2\;{\bf g}_n^T {\bf d}_n
\;\;\;\;\;\;\;$i.e.$\displaystyle \;\;\;\;\;
\left( {\bf g}_{n+1}-c_2\;{\bf g}_n\right)^T {\bf d}_n \ge 0$ (119)

Replacing the search direction ${\bf d}_n$ by $\delta{\bf d}_n={\bf x}_{n+1}-{\bf x}_n={\bf s}_n$, we get:

$\displaystyle ({\bf g}_{n+1}-c_2{\bf g}_n)^T {\bf s}_n
={\bf g}^T_{n+1}{\bf s}_n-c_2{\bf g}_n^T {\bf s}_n \ge 0$ (120)

We also have

$\displaystyle {\bf y}_n^T{\bf s}_n=({\bf g}_{n+1}-{\bf g}_n)^T {\bf s}_n
={\bf g}_{n+1}^T{\bf s}_n-{\bf g}_n^T {\bf s}_n$ (121)

Substracting the first equation from the second, we get

$\displaystyle {\bf y}_n^T{\bf s}_n-
({\bf g}^T_{n+1}{\bf s}_n-c_2{\bf g}_n^T {\bf s}_n)
=(c_2-1){\bf g}_n^T{\bf s}_n > 0$ (122)

The last inequality is due to the fact that ${\bf g}_n^T{\bf s}_n<0$ and $c_2<1$. We therefore have

$\displaystyle {\bf y}_n^T{\bf s}_n\ge {\bf g}^T_{n+1}{\bf s}_n-c_2{\bf g}_n^T {\bf s}_n \ge 0$ (123)

Given ${\bf y}_n^T{\bf s}_n>0$, we can further prove by induction that both ${\bf B}_{n+1}$ and ${\bf B}_{n+1}^{-1}$ based repectively on the update formulae in Eqs. (98) and (117) are positive definite. We first assume ${\bf B}_0$ and ${\bf B}_n$ are both positive definite, and express ${\bf B}_n$ in terms of its Cholesky decomposition, ${\bf B}_n={\bf LL}^T$. We further define ${\bf a}={\bf L}^T{\bf z}$, ${\bf b}={\bf L}^T{\bf s}$, and get

$\displaystyle {\bf a}^T{\bf a}={\bf z}^T{\bf B}_n{\bf z},\;\;\;\;
{\bf b}^T{\bf b}={\bf s}^T{\bf B}_n{\bf s},\;\;\;\;
{\bf a}^T{\bf b}={\bf z}^T{\bf B}_n{\bf s}$ (124)

Now we can show that the sum of the first and third terms of Eq. (112) is positive definite:

$\displaystyle {\bf z}^T\left[ {\bf B}_n-\frac{{\bf B}_n{\bf s}_n{\bf s}_n^T{\bf...
...{\bf s}_n}
={\bf a}^T{\bf a}-\frac{({\bf a}^T{\bf b})^2}{{\bf b}^T{\bf b}}\ge 0$ (125)

The last step is due to the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality. Also, as ${\bf s}_n^T{\bf y}_n\ge 0$, the second term of Eq. (98) is positive definite

$\displaystyle {\bf z}^T\left(\frac{{\bf s}_n{\bf s}_n^T}{{\bf s}_n^T{\bf y}_n}\right){\bf z}\ge 0$ (126)

Combining these two results, we get

$\displaystyle {\bf z}^T{\bf B}_{n+1}{\bf z}
= {\bf z}^T\left( {\bf B}_n-\frac{{...
... z}^T\left(\frac{{\bf y}_n{\bf y}_n^T}{{\bf s}_n^T{\bf y}_n}\right){\bf z}\ge 0$ (127)

i.e., ${\bf B}_{n+1}$ based on the update formular Eq. (98) is positive definite. Following the same steps, we can also show that ${\bf B}_{n+1}^{-1}$ based on Eq. (117) is positive definite.


The figures below shows the search path of the DFP and BPGS methods when applied to find the minimum of the Rosenbrock function.

RosenbrockSR1.png RosenbrockDFP.png RosenbrockBFGS.png