Consider a second order circuit of the series combination of R, C,
and L, connected to an input voltage source
. We can treat
any of the voltages
, and
, across R, C,
and L, respectively as the output. The second order system can be
used as a band-pass (BP), high-pass (HP), or low-pass (LP) filter,
if the voltage across R, L, or C is treated as the output. In general,
the resonant frequency
of a system is the frequency
at which the magnitude of its frequency response function is maximized.
In the following, we specifically consider the magnitude of the
frequency response function (FRF) of these filters. In particular,
we will consider
, and
- 2nd-order Band-pas Filter:
If the voltage across
is treated as the output, we have
![$\displaystyle \dot{V}_R=\dot{V}_0\;\frac{Z_R}{Z_R+Z_C+Z_L}
=\dot{V}_0\;\frac{R}{R+1/j\omega C+j\omega L}
=\dot{V}_0\;\frac{R}{R+j(\omega L-1/\omega C)}$](img878.svg) |
(320) |
The FRF of the system is
At the natural frequency
, the imaginary
part of the denominator
is zero and
is the maximum, i.e., the resonant frequency is the
same as the natural frequency
. When
, we have
In particular:
This is a band-pass filter with the bandwidth defined as:
![$\displaystyle \triangle \omega=\omega_2-\omega_1$](img890.svg) |
(322) |
are the two
cut-off frequencies at which
or![$\displaystyle \;\;\;\;\;\;\vert H(\omega_1)\vert^2=\vert H(\omega_2)\vert^2=\frac{1}{2}$](img894.svg) |
(323) |
In other words, the power of the output is halved when compared to
that of the input. The cut-off frequency is therefore also called the
half-power frequency. To find the bandwidth of this 2nd order
system, we rewrite the FRF as:
![$\displaystyle H_R(\omega)=\frac{R}{R+j\omega L+1/j\omega C}
=\frac{1}{1+j(\omega L/R-1/\omega RC)}$](img895.svg) |
(324) |
Note that
when the imaginary part of the
denominator is:
![$\displaystyle \frac{\omega L}{R}-\frac{1}{\omega CR}=\pm 1$](img897.svg) |
(325) |
To solve this equation for the cut-off frequency, we multiply both sides
, and get two quadratic equations:
![$\displaystyle \omega^2\pm \frac{R}{L}\omega-\frac{1}{LC}=\omega^2\pm 2\zeta\omega_n\omega-\omega_n^2=0$](img899.svg) |
(326) |
with four roots:
![$\displaystyle \omega=\frac{1}{2}\left(\mp 2\zeta\omega_n\pm\sqrt{4\zeta^2\omega_n^2+4\omega_n^2}\right)
=\left(\mp\zeta\pm\sqrt{\zeta^2+1}\right)\omega_n$](img900.svg) |
(327) |
Ignoring the negative roots (with no physical meaning) we get
the two cut-off frequencies
![$\displaystyle \omega_{1,2}=\left(\sqrt{1+\zeta^2}\mp \zeta\right) \omega_n$](img903.svg) |
(328) |
and the bandwidth is
![$\displaystyle \triangle \omega=\omega_2-\omega_1=2\zeta \omega_n=\frac{\omega_n}{Q}
=\frac{R}{L}$](img904.svg) |
(329) |
This happens to be the coefficient of the first order term in the
canonical form of the second order system, which can now be written as:
![$\displaystyle y''(t)+2\zeta\omega_n\,y'(t)+\omega_n^2\, y(t)
=y''(t)+\triangle\omega\,y'(t)+\omega_n^2\, y(t)= x(t)$](img905.svg) |
(330) |
The equation
is of great importance as
it directly relates the bandwidth
and the natural
The middle point between the two cut-off frequencies
![$\displaystyle \omega_0=\frac{\omega_1+\omega_2}{2}
=\omega_n \sqrt{1+\zeta^2}\;>\;\omega_n$](img908.svg) |
(331) |
which is greater than the resonant frequency
and we have
, i.e.,
we have
, and
![$\displaystyle \omega_{1,2}\approx \omega_n\mp \frac{\triangle\omega}{2}
=\omega_n\mp\frac{2\zeta\omega_n}{2}=\omega_n(1\mp\zeta)$](img916.svg) |
(332) |
![$\displaystyle H_{bp}(\omega)=\frac{j\omega 2\zeta \omega_n}{(j\omega)^2
...=\frac{j\omega \triangle \omega}
{\triangle \omega j\omega+\omega_n^2-\omega^2}$](img917.svg) |
(333) |
- 2nd-order High-pass Filter:
If the voltage across
is treated as the output, we have
This is a high-pass filter as
To decide whether
peaks and, if so, to find the resonant
frequency, we consider
and set its derivative with respect to
to zero:
For this equation to hold, the numerator needs to be zero:
![$\displaystyle 4\omega^3[(\omega_n^2-\omega^2)^2+4\zeta^2\omega^2\omega_n^2]
=4\omega^5[\omega^2-\omega^2_n+2\zeta^2\omega_n^2]$](img930.svg) |
(337) |
Solving this for
, we get the resonant frequency:
![$\displaystyle \omega_r=\frac{\omega_n}{\sqrt{1-2\zeta^2}}$](img931.svg) |
(338) |
Now consider the following three cases:
- If
, i.e.,
, then
is real and
peaks at
![$\displaystyle \vert H_{hp}(\omega_r)\vert=\frac{1}{2\zeta\sqrt{1-\zeta^2}}
>\vert H_{hp}(\omega_n)\vert=\frac{1}{2\zeta}=Q$](img936.svg) |
(339) |
is small,
. For example,
- If
, then
, and
![$\displaystyle \vert H_{hp}(\omega_n)\vert=\frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}\;<\; \vert H_{hp}(\omega_r)\vert\;
=\;\vert H_{lp}(\infty)\vert=\;1$](img942.svg) |
(340) |
, i.e.,
is the
cut-off frequency of the HP filter.
- If
is imaginary, indicating
there does not exist a frequency at which
- 2nd-order Low-pass Filter:
If the voltage across
is treated as the output, we have
This is a low-pass filter as
To decide whether
peaks and, if so, to find the resonant
frequency, we consider
![$\displaystyle \vert H_{lp}(\omega)\vert^2
=\frac{\omega_n^4}{\omega^4-(1-2\zeta^2)2\omega_n^2\omega^2+\omega_n^4}$](img950.svg) |
(342) |
To find
that maximizes
or equivalently
minimizes its denominator (with constant numerator), we set the
derivative of the denominator with respect to
to zero:
Solving for
we get the resonant frequency:
![$\displaystyle \omega_r=\omega_n\sqrt{1-2\zeta^2}<\omega_n$](img955.svg) |
(344) |
Now consider the following three cases:
- If
, i.e.,
, then
is real and
peaks at
![$\displaystyle \vert H_{lp}(\omega_r)\vert=\frac{1}{2\zeta\sqrt{1-\zeta^2}}
\;>\; \vert H_{lp}(\omega_n)\vert=\frac{1}{2\zeta}=Q$](img959.svg) |
(345) |
is small,
. For example,
- If
, we have
, and
![$\displaystyle \vert H_{lp}(0)\vert\;=\;\vert H_{lp}(\omega_r)\vert=1>\vert H_{lp}(\omega_n)\vert
=\frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}$](img962.svg) |
(346) |
, i.e.,
is the
cut-off frequency of the LP filter.
- If
is imaginary, indicating
there does not exist a frequency at which
At the natural frequency, the impedance of a series RCL circuit reaches
minimum, consequently the current reaches maximum and so does the voltage
across the resistor. However, the voltage across the inductor reaches
maximum at a frequency slightly higher than the natural frequency, and
the voltage across the capacitor reaches maximum at a frequency slightly
lower than the resonant frequency, as shown in the linear and log-scale
plots below. (For Bode plots, see
In summary,
- Low-pass filter:
![$\displaystyle H_{lp}=\frac{Z_C}{Z_C+Z_R+Z_L}
=\frac{\omega_n^2}{(j\omega)^2+\triangle \omega j\omega+\omega_n^2}$](img965.svg) |
(347) |
- High-pass filter:
![$\displaystyle H_{hp}=\frac{Z_L}{Z_C+Z_R+Z_L}
=\frac{(j\omega)^2}{(j\omega)^2+\triangle \omega j\omega+\omega_n^2}$](img966.svg) |
(348) |
- Band-pass filter:
![$\displaystyle H_{bp}=\frac{Z_R}{Z_C+Z_R+Z_L}
=\frac{\triangle\omega j\omega}{(j\omega)^2+\triangle \omega j\omega+\omega_n^2}$](img967.svg) |
(349) |
- Band-stop filter:
![$\displaystyle H_{bs}=\frac{Z_C+Z_L}{Z_C+Z_R+Z_L}
=\frac{\omega_n^2+(j\omega)^2}{(j\omega)^2+\triangle \omega j\omega+\omega_n^2}$](img968.svg) |
(350) |
- All-pass filter:
![$\displaystyle H_{ap}=\frac{Z_C+Z_R+Z_L}{Z_C+Z_R+Z_L}
=\frac{(j\omega)^2+\triangle \omega j\omega+\omega_n^2}{(j\omega)^2+\triangle \omega j\omega+\omega_n^2}$](img969.svg) |
(351) |
For a parallel RCL circuit with current input, due to the duality between
current and voltage, parallel and series configuration, the same derivation
of bandwidth can be carried out to obtain the same conclusions.
While the phenomenon of resonance can be destructive in mechanical systems
(for example, the famous story of the
Angers bridge),
and it therefore needs to be avoided, it can also be very useful in electrical
system such as in the tuning circuit in radio or TV broadcasting.
Example: Given the RLC circuits below, find what kind of filters they
are (HP, LP, BP, or BS).
The impedance of the parallel combination of
![$\displaystyle Z_{LC}=Z_C\vert\vert Z_L=\frac{Z_LZ_C}{Z_L+Z_C}
=\frac{j\omega L/...
...a C}
=\frac{j\omega L}{1-\omega^2 LC}
=\frac{j\omega L}{1-(\omega/\omega_n)^2 }$](img970.svg) |
(352) |
At the resonant frequency
![$\displaystyle \vert Z_{LC}\vert=\left\{\begin{array}{cc}0 & \omega=0\\ \infty & \omega=\omega_n\\
0 & \omega=\infty\end{array}\right.$](img972.svg) |
(353) |
- The FRF of the first circuit is
![$\displaystyle H_{LC}=\frac{Z_{LC}}{Z_{LC}+R}=\frac{\frac{j\omega L}{1-(\omega/\...
=\frac{1}{1-j\frac{(1-(\omega/\omega_n)^2)}{\omega L/R}}$](img973.svg) |
(354) |
. In this case
no current goes through
and the voltage drop across it is zero,
then the output voltage is the same as the input voltage. Otherwise
is finite, the
voltage across
is non-zero, the output voltage is reduced. This is
a band-pass filter:
![$\displaystyle \vert H_{BP}\vert=\bigg\vert\frac{Z_C\vert\vert Z_L}{R+Z_C\vert\v...
...rightarrow 0\\
1&\omega=\omega_n\\ 0&\omega\rightarrow\infty\end{array}\right.$](img978.svg) |
(355) |
- The FRF of the second circuit is
![$\displaystyle H_R=\frac{R}{Z_{LC}+R}=\frac{R}{\frac{j\omega L}{1-(\omega/\omega_n)^2}+R}
=\frac{1}{j\,\frac{\omega L/R}{1-(\omega/\omega_n)^2 }+1}$](img979.svg) |
(356) |
. In this case,
the LC parallel branch is an open-circuit, the output voltage is
zero. Otherwise either
is finite, the voltage is non-zero. The circuit is a
band-stop or band-block filter:
![$\displaystyle \vert H_{BS}\vert=\bigg\vert\frac{R}{R+Z_C\vert\vert Z_L}\bigg\ve...
...rightarrow 0\\
0&\omega=\omega_n\\ 1&\omega\rightarrow\infty\end{array}\right.$](img981.svg) |
(357) |
Example: Find the bandwidth of each of the two filters above as
a function of
. Determine whether the peak frequency
is lower or higher than the center of the passing/stop
band. Design a band-pass and a band-stop filter so that the peak
frequency is
and the bandwidth is
The bandwidth is defined as
, the
difference between the two cut-off frequencies
at which
. For both filters,
the cut-off frequencies can be found by solving
![$\displaystyle 1-\left(\frac{\omega}{\omega_n}\right)^2 =\pm \frac{\omega L}{R}$](img988.svg) |
(358) |
i.e., the two filters always have the same bandwidth.
![$\displaystyle 1-\omega^2LC=\pm \omega L/R,\;\;\;\;\;
\omega^2\pm\frac{1}{RC}\omega-\frac{1}{LC}=0$](img989.svg) |
(359) |
Solving these two quadratic equations and take the positive roots
of each, we get
![$\displaystyle \omega_{1,2}=\frac{1}{2}\left(\sqrt{\frac{1}{R^2C^2}+\frac{4}{LC}}\pm
\frac{1}{RC}\right)$](img990.svg) |
(360) |
The bandwidth is
![$\displaystyle \Delta\omega=\omega_2-\omega_1=\frac{1}{RC}$](img991.svg) |
(361) |
The center of the bandwidth is greater than peak frequency:
![$\displaystyle \frac{\omega_1+\omega_2}{2}=\frac{1}{2}\sqrt{\frac{1}{R^2C^2}+\frac{4}{LC}}
>\frac{1}{\sqrt{LC}}=\omega_n$](img992.svg) |
(362) |
Given the desired properties:
![$\displaystyle \omega_n=\frac{1}{\sqrt{LC}}=10^3,\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\Delta\omega=\frac{1}{RC}=10^2$](img993.svg) |
(363) |
we further get
![$\displaystyle LC=10^{-6},\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;RC=10^{-2}$](img994.svg) |
(364) |
If we let
, then we get
![$\displaystyle \omega_n=\frac{1}{\sqrt{LC}}=\frac{1}{\sqrt{10^{-6}}}=10^3,
\Delta\omega=\frac{1}{RC}=\frac{1}{10^{-2}}=100$](img998.svg) |
(365) |