The electric power associated with an element (R, C, or L) is the
product of the voltage
across and current
through the
(37) |
over a time period
, we get the energy
(38) |
Depending on its sign, the energy can be either consumed (dissipated,
converted to heat) if
, or stored in the element if
. We
consider specifically the energy dissipation/storage in each of
the three types of elements
, and
- Energy dissipated by resistor
When a voltage
is applied across
, the current through it is
, power consumption is
(39) |
The energy dissipated during time period
(40) |
This energy is converted irreversibly from electrical energy to heat. The
rate of dissipation is
- Energy storage in capacitor
Given voltage
across and current
through a capacitor
the associated energy is:
(51) |
where we have assumed
, then
, and the energy dissipated
in period
(52) |
This results indicates that there is no energy dissipated over the complete
. In the first and third quarters of the period
, the energy
is stored in the electric field of the capacitor (equivalent to a battery
being charged), but in the 2nd and 4th quarters of the period
, the energy
is released from the capacitor to the rest of the circuit (equivalent to a
battery delivering power).
- Energy storage in inductor
Given voltage
across and current
through an inductor
the associated energy is
(53) |
where we have assumed
, then
, and the energy dissipated
in time period
(54) |
Again, no energy is dissipated by the inductor during the complete period
of a sinusoidal voltage. In the first and third quarter of the period
, the energy is stored in the magnetic field of the inductor, but in
the 2nd and 4th quarter of the period
, the energy is released from the
inductor to the rest of the circuit.
The figure below shows the plots of the voltage across and current through
the capacitor and inductor. We note that the voltage and current are
out of phase. Specifically,
- Capacitor: the voltage
(red) lags the current
(green) by
- Inductor: the voltage
(green) leads
the current
(red) by
The figure below illustrates the energy flow in a circuit involving capacitor
and inductor, as energy storing components:
Comparison of Energy storage in mechanical and electromagnetic systems:
- Electromagnetic energy:
- Energy stored in a capacitor with capacity
and voltage
(55) |
- Energy stored in an inductor with inductance
and current
(57) |
- Mechanical energy: