Next: Phase Plane
Up: DEsystem
Previous: Nonhomogeneous DE System
Consider a nonlinear first order ODE system:
If we define
then the system can be written in matrx form as
which can be further expressed in Taylor series around a specific
containing the constant (zero order) term,
first order term, and all the higher order terms:
is the
Jacobian matrix of the vector function
evaluated at
We also note that
and the equation above can be written as
We assume
is small, then we can neglect all higher
order terms than first order in the Taylor expansion and get
If we further let
be the equilibrium point of
the system, i.e.,
, then the equation
above becomes a first order homogeneous LCCODE system:
The solution of this system is in the form of
is an eigenvalue of
the corresponding eigenvector, satisfying
. In general, such an eigenvalue
is complex and can be written in terms of its real and imaginary
, and the general solution can be
written as
, the magnitude of the solution
will attenuate to zero, i.e., the system is stable; however, if
, the magnitude of the solution
grow without a bound, i.e., the system is unstable.
As we only keep a locally linear approximation around the
equilibrium point, the corresponding analysis of the system
is a linear stability analysis, which describes the
behavior of the system close to the equilibrium point.
Next: Phase Plane
Up: DEsystem
Previous: Nonhomogeneous DE System
Ruye Wang