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Phase Plane

Consider a first order LCCODE system containing $n=2$ variables:

\dot{\bf x}=\left[\begin{array}{c}\dot{x}_1 \dot{x}_2\end{...
...gin{array}{c}\dot{x}_1 \dot{x}_2\end{array}\right]
={\bf Ax}

The general solution is

{\bf x}=c_1e^{\lambda_1t}{\bf v}_1+c_2e^{\lambda_2t}{\bf v}_2

where $\lambda_i$ and ${\bf v}_i$ are the eigenvalue and corresponding eigenvectors of ${\bf A}$ satisfying ${\bf Av}_i=\lambda_i{\bf v}_i$. Specifically, these eigenvalues can be found by solving the following characteristic polynomial:

\det(\lambda{\bf I}-{\bf A})=(\lambda-a_{11})(\lambda-a_{22}...

where $a_{11}+a_{22}=tr({\bf A})$ and $a_{11}a_{22}-a_{12}a_{21}=det({\bf A})$ are the trace and determinant of ${\bf A}$ respectively. Solving the equadratic equation, we get the two roots:

\lambda_{1,2}=\frac{1}{2}(a_{11}+a_{22}\pm \sqrt{\Delta})
=\frac{1}{2}(a_{11}+a_{22} \pm j \sqrt{-\Delta})

where $\Delta=(a_{11}+a_{22})^2-4(a_{11}a_{22}-a_{12}a_{21})$.

\left[\begin{array}{rr}6&2\\ 3&7\end{array}\right],\;\;\;
\left[\begin{array}{rr}-5&-2\\ 4&-3\end{array}\right]

\begin{displaymath}\begin{array}{c\vert\vert c\vert c\vert c\vert c\vert c\vert ...
...3.5\pm j\,4.0 & 0\pm j\,4.0 & -4\pm j\,2.7\\ \hline


  1. $\lambda_1>0,\;\lambda_2 > 0$ unstable
  2. $\lambda_1>0,\;\lambda_2 < 0$ saddle point
  3. $\lambda_1<0,\;\lambda_2 < 0$ stable
  4. $\lambda=a\pm j\,b,\\ ;\;a>0$ unstable, spiral out
  5. $\lambda=a\pm j\,b,\\ ;\;a=0$ marginal stable
  6. $\lambda=a\pm j\,b,\\ ;\;a<0$ stable, spiral in

Ruye Wang 2019-02-21