Next: Fourier Filtering 1D
Up: fourier
Previous: A 2D DFT Example
From the previous example, we see that the high frequency components
are around the middle part of the 2D spectrum array, while the low
frequency components are around the edges of the array. For example,
the DC component is at the upper-left corner. Sometime it is preferable
to centralize the spectrum so that the DC component and the low frequency
components are in the middle of the spectrum array, and high frequency
components are around the edges.
- 1-D DFT
Consider an N-point 1D DFT first. Centralization of the 1D spectrum is the
same as a shift of the spectrum by points to either left or
right (as is periodic, the direction of shift does not matter):
which can be directly obtained from the time signal by the shift
property of the Fourier transform. Consider the inverse FT of :
Here we have assumed . In particular, when , we have
If we change the sign of every other time sample, the corresponding Fourier
spectrum will be centralized with DC component in the middle of the 1D
- 2D DFT
Consider the DFT of an 2D array of spatial samples also has the
space shift property:
In other words, if we change the sign of any spatial sample point if
is an odd number, i.e.
then the resulting 2D Fourier spectrum will be centralized with DC component
in the middle and high frequency components around the four edges. For the
example above, the real part of the centralized spectrum becomes
and the imaginary part is:
Next: Fourier Filtering 1D
Up: fourier
Previous: A 2D DFT Example
Ruye Wang