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Matrix Form of 2D DFT

Consider the 2-D DFT of an $M\times N$ signal $x[m,n]$ ( $m=0,\cdots,M-1,\;n=0,\cdots,N-1$):

X[k,l] = \frac{1}{\sqrt{MN}}\sum_{n=0}^{N-1} \left[ \sum_{m=...
...frac{nl}{N} },

where we have defined


where $0 \leq m,k < M,\;\;0 \leq n,l < N$. Note that the dimension of the spectrum $X[k,l]$ is also $M\times N$.

As the summation above is with respect to the row index $m$ while the column index $n$ can be treated as a parameter, this expression can be considered as a one-dimensional Fourier transform of the nth column of the $M\times N$ 2-D signal matrix ${\bf x}=[{\bf x}_0,\cdots,{\bf x}_{N-1}]$, which can be written in column vector (vertical) form as:

{\bf X'}_n={\bf W}^*_M{\bf x}_n,\;\;\;\;\;\;(n=0,1,\cdots,N-1)

where ${\bf W}^*_M$ is a $M\times M$ Fourier transform matrix. Putting all these $N$ columns together, we can write

{\bf X}'=\left[{\bf X'}_0,\cdots,{\bf X'}_{N-1}\right]
={\... x}_0,\cdots,{\bf x}_{N-1}\right]
= {\bf W}^*_M   {\bf x}

We also note that the summation in the expression for $X[k,l]$ is with respective to the column index $n$ of ${\bf X}'$ while the row index number $k$ can be treated as a parameter, the expression is one-dimensional Fourier transform of the kth row of ${\bf X}'$, which can be written in row vector (horizontal) form as

{\bf X}_k^T=({\bf W}^*_N {\bf X'}_k)^T = {\bf X'}_k^T {\bf W}^{*T}_N,
= {\bf X'}_k^T {\bf W}^*_N, \;\;\;\;(k=0,\cdots,M-1)

where ${\bf W}^{*T}_N={\bf W}^*$ is a $N \times N$ Fourier transform matrix. Putting all these $M$ rows together, we can write

\left[ \begin{array}{c}
{\bf X}_0^T  . . {\bf X}_{N-1...
...  . . {\bf X}'_{N-1}^T \end{array} \right]
{\bf W}^*_N

or more concisely

\begin{displaymath}{\bf X}={\bf X}'{\bf W}^*_N \end{displaymath}

But since $ {\bf X}' ={\bf W}^*_M   {\bf x} $, we have

{\bf X}={\bf W}^*_M   {\bf x}   {\bf W}^*_N

This transform expression indicates that 2D DFT can be implemented by transforming all the rows of ${\bf x}$ and then transforming all the columns of the resulting matrix ${\bf X}'$. The order of the row and column transforms is not important.

Similarly, the inverse 2D DFT can be written as

\begin{displaymath}{\bf x}= {\bf W}_M   {\bf X} {\bf W}_N \end{displaymath}

Again note that ${\bf W}$ is a symmetric unitary matrix:

\begin{displaymath}{\bf W}^{-1}={\bf W}^{*T}={\bf W}^* \end{displaymath}

It is obvious that the complexity of 2D DFT is $O(N^3)$ which can be reduced to $O(N^2 log_2 N)$ if FFT is used.

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Ruye Wang 2015-11-12