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Singular value decomposition

SVD Theorem: An $M\times N$ matrix ${\bf A}$ of rank $R\le \min(M,N)$ can be diagonalized by two unitary matrices ${\bf U}_{M\times M}$ and ${\bf V}_{N\times N}$:

{\bf U}^*{\bf AV}={\bf\Lambda}^{1/2}
{\bf A}={\bf U}{\bf\Sigma}{\bf V}^*


Proof: Let $\lambda_n$ and ${\bf v}_n$ be the nth eigenvalue and the corresponding normalized eigenvector of the $N\times N$ matrix ${\bf A}^*{\bf A}$ satisfying the following eigenequation:

{\bf A}^*{\bf A}{\bf v}_n=\lambda_n {\bf v}_n,\;\;\;\;(n=1,\cdots,N)

As $({\bf A}^*{\bf A})^*={\bf A}^*{\bf A}$ is Hermitian (symmetric if ${\bf A}$ is real), its eigenvalues $\lambda_n$ are real and its normalized eigenvectors are orthonormal: ${\bf v}^*_i{\bf v}_j=\delta_{ij}$, i.e., the eigenvector matrix defined as ${\bf V}_{N\times N}$ is unitary (orthogonal if ${\bf A}$ is real):

{\bf V}^*={\bf V}^{-1},\;\;\;\;\mbox{or}\;\;\;\;\;{\bf V}^*{\bf V}={\bf I}

The eigenequation can be written in matrix form:

{\bf A}^*{\bf A}{\bf V}={\bf V}{\bf\Lambda}
{\bf V}^*{\bf A}^*{\bf A}{\bf V}={\bf\Lambda}

where ${\bf\Lambda}=diag[\lambda_1,\cdots,\lambda_N]$.

Pre-multiplying ${\bf A}$ on both sides of ${\bf A}^*{\bf A}{\bf v}_n=\lambda_n {\bf v}_n$ we get

{\bf A}{\bf A}^*{\bf A}{\bf v}_n=\lambda_n {\bf A}{\bf v}_n

We see that ${\bf A}{\bf v}_n$ is the eigenvector of the Hermitian matrix ${\bf A}{\bf A}^*$ corresponding to its eigenvalue $\lambda_n$, with norm:

\vert\vert{\bf A}{\bf v}_n\vert\vert=\sqrt{({\bf A}{\bf v}_n...
... v}_n}
=\sqrt{ {\bf v}^*_n\lambda_n{\bf v}_n}=\sqrt{\lambda_n}

We define the normalized eigenvector of ${\bf A}{\bf A}^*$ as

{\bf u}_n={\bf A}{\bf v}_n/\sqrt{\lambda_n}

As ${\bf A}{\bf A}^*$ is Hermitian, its normalized eigenvectors are orthonormal, which can also be shown as:

{\bf u}^*_i{\bf u}_j
=\frac{({\bf A}{\bf v}_i)^*}{\sqrt{\lam...

We define

{\bf U}=[{\bf u}_1,\cdots,{\bf u}_M]
={\bf A}[{\bf v}_1/\s...
...\bf v}_M/\sqrt{\lambda_M}]
={\bf A}{\bf V}{\bf\Lambda}^{-1/2}

which is also unitary

{\bf U}^*={\bf U}^{-1},\;\;\;\;\mbox{or}\;\;\;\;\;{\bf U}^*{\bf U}={\bf I}

Now we have

{\bf U}^*{\bf A}{\bf V}=({\bf A}{\bf V}{\bf\Lambda}^{-1/2})^...


When ${\bf A}^*={\bf A}$ is Hermitian (symmetric if real), i.e., ${\bf A}{\bf A}^*={\bf A}^*{\bf A}={\bf A}^2$, then if

{\bf A}{\bf\phi}_i=\lambda_i{\bf\phi}_i

we also have

{\bf A}^*{\bf A}{\bf\phi}_i={\bf A}^*{\bf A}{\bf\phi}_i
={\bf A}^2{\bf\phi}_i=\lambda^2{\bf\phi}_i

i.e., the singular values $\sigma_i=\sqrt{\lambda_i^2}=\vert\lambda_i\vert$ are the absolute values of its eigenvalues $\sigma_i({\bf A})=\vert\lambda_i({\bf A})\vert$, and ${\bf U}={\bf V}={\bf\Phi}$.

The SVD equation

{\bf U}^*{\bf A}{\bf V}={\bf\Lambda}^{1/2}={\bf\Sigma}

can be considered as the forward SVD transform. Pre-multiplying ${\bf U}$ and post-multiplying ${\bf V}^*$ on both sides, we get the inverse transform:

{\bf A}={\bf U}{\bf\Sigma}{\bf V}^*
=[{\bf u}_1,\cdots\cdo...
=\sum_{k=1}^R \sigma_k[{\bf u}_k{\bf v}_k^*]

by which the original matrix ${\bf A}$ is represented as a linear combination of $R$ matrices $[{\bf u}_k{\bf v}_k^*]$ weighted by the singular values $\sqrt{\lambda_k}$ ($k=1,\ldots,R$). We can rewrite both the forward and inverse SVD transform as a pair of forward and inverse transforms:

\left\{ \begin{array}{l}
.../2}{\bf V}^*={\bf U}{\bf\Sigma}{\bf V}^*.
\end{array} \right.

Given the SVD of an $M\times N$ matrix ${\bf A}={\bf U}{\bf\Lambda}^{1/2}{\bf V}^*={\bf U}{\bf\Sigma}{\bf V}^*$, its pseudo-inverse can be found to be

{\bf A}^-=({\bf V}^*)^{-1}{\bf\Sigma}^{-}{\bf U}^{-1}
={\bf V}{\bf\Sigma}^{-}{\bf U}^*

where ${\bf\Sigma}^{-}$ is pseudo-inverse of ${\bf\Sigma}$, composed of the reciprocals $1/\sigma_k$ of the $R$ singular values along the diagonal.

The $M\times N$ matrix ${\bf A}={\bf U}{\bf\Sigma}{\bf V}^*$ can be considered as alinear transformation that converts a vector ${\bf x}\in \mathbb{C}^N$ to another vector ${\bf y}\in\mathbb{C}^M$ in three steps:

{\bf y}={\bf A}{\bf x}={\bf U} {\bf\Sigma} {\bf V}^*\;{\bf x}

  1. Rotate vector ${\bf x}$ by the unitary matrix ${\bf V}^*$:

{\bf y}_1={\bf V}^*\; {\bf x}.

  2. Scale each dimention $Y_k$ of ${\bf y}_1$ by a factor of $\sigma_k$ ($k=1,\ldots,R$):

{\bf y}_2={\bf\Sigma}\;{\bf y}_1={\bf\Sigma} {\bf V}^*\;{\bf x}.

  3. Rotate vector ${\bf y}_2$ by the unitary matrix ${\bf U}$:

{\bf y}={\bf U} {\bf y}_2={\bf U}{\bf\Sigma} {\bf V}^*\;{\bf x}
={\bf A}{\bf x}.


The figure below illustrates the transformation of the three vertices of a triangle in 2-D space by a matrix ${\bf A}={\bf U}{\bf\Sigma}{\bf V}*^$, which first rotates the vertices by 45 degrees CCW, scale horitontally and vertically by a factor of 3 and 2, respectively, and then rotate CW by 30 degrees.


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Ruye Wang 2015-04-27