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Eigenvalues and matrix diagonalization

For any matrix ${\bf A}$, if there exist a vector $\phi$ and a value $\lambda$ such that

{\bf A}{\bf\phi}=\lambda {\bf\phi}

then $\lambda$ and ${\bf\phi}$ are called the eigenvalue and eigenvector of matrix ${\bf A}$, respectively. In other words, the linear transformation of vector ${\bf\phi}$ by ${\bf A}$ only has the effect of scaling (by a factor of $\lambda$) the vector in the same direction (1-D space).

The eigenvector ${\bf\phi}$ is not unique but up to any scaling factor, i.e, if ${\bf\phi}$ is the eigenvector of ${\bf A}$, so is $c{\bf\phi}$ with any constant $c$. Typically for the uniqueness of ${\bf\phi}$, we keep it normalized so that $\vert\vert{\bf\phi}\vert\vert=1$.

To obtain $\lambda$, we rewrite the above equation as

(\lambda {\bf I}-{\bf A}) {\bf\phi} =0

For this homogeneous equation system to have non-zero solutions for ${\bf\phi}$, the determinant of its coefficient matrix has to be zero:

det(\lambda {\bf I}-{\bf A})=\vert \lambda {\bf I}-{\bf A} \vert = 0

This is the characteristic polynomial equation of matrix ${\bf A}$. Solving this $n$th order equation of $\lambda$, we get $n$ eigenvalues $\{ \lambda_1,\cdots,\lambda_n \}$. Substituting each $\lambda_i$ back into the equation system, we get the corresponding eigenvector ${\bf\phi_i}$. We can put all $n$ eigen-equations ${\bf A}{\bf\phi}_i=\lambda_i{\bf\phi}_i$ together and have

{\bf A}[{\bf\phi_1},\cdots,{\bf\phi}_n]
=[\lambda_1 {\bf\p...
... \vdots \\
0 & 0 & \cdots & \lambda_n
\end{array} \right]

If ${\bf A}$ is positive definite, i.e., ${\bf x}^T{\bf A}{\bf x}>0$ for any vector ${\bf x}$, then all eigenvalues are positive.

Defining the eigenvalue matrix (a diagonal matrix) and eigenvector matrix as


we can write the eigen-equations in more compact forms:

{\bf A}{\bf\Phi}={\bf\Phi}{\bf\Lambda},
{\bf\Phi}^{-1}{\bf A}{\bf\Phi}={\bf\Lambda}

We see that ${\bf A}$ can be diagonalized by its eigenvector matrix ${\bf\Phi}=[{\bf\phi}_1,\cdots,{\bf\phi}_n]$ composed of all its eigenvectors to a diagonal matrix composed of its eigenvalues ${\bf\Lambda}=diag[\lambda_1,\cdots,\lambda_n]$.

We further have:

{\bf A}^2=({\bf\Phi}{\bf\Lambda}{\bf\Phi}^{-1})({\bf\Phi}{\...

and in general

{\bf A}^n={\bf\Phi}{\bf\Lambda}^n{\bf\Phi}^{-1},\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;
{\bf A}^{-1}={\bf\Phi}{\bf\Lambda}^{-1}{\bf\Phi}^{-1}

Assuming ${\bf A}{\bf\phi}=\lambda{\bf\phi}$, we have the following:

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Ruye Wang 2015-04-27