Next: Eigenvalues and matrix diagonalization
Up: algebra
Previous: Normal, Hermitian, and unitary
Given any unitary matrix
, we can define a unitary transform
of a vector
is real,
is an
orthogonal matrix and the corresponding transform is an orthogonal transform.
The first equation above is the forward transform and can be written
in component form as:
The transform coefficient is an inner product
representing the projection of vector
onto the ith column vector
of the transform matrix
. The second equation is the
inverse transform and can also be written in component form as:
By this transform, vector
is represented as a linear combination
(weighted sum) of the
column vectors
of matrix
. Geometrically,
is a point in the n-dimensional space
spanned by these
orthonormal basis vectors. Each coefficient (coordinate)
is the projection of
onto the corresponding basis vector
As the n-dimensional space can be spanned by the column vectors of any n by n
unitary (orthogonal) matrix, a vector
in the space can be represented by
any of such matrices, each defining a different transform.
A unitary (orthogonal) transform
can be interpreted
geometrically as the rotation of the vector
about the origin, or equivalently,
the representation of the same vector in a rotated coordinate system. A unitary
(orthogonal) transform
does not change the vector's
norm (length)
. This is the Parseval's identity that
indicates that the norm or length of a vector is conserved under any unitary
transform. If
is interpreted as a signal, then its length
represents the total energy or information
contained in the signal, which is conserved during any unitary transform.
However, some other features of the signal may change, e.g., the signal may
be decorrelated and its total energy redistributed among its components after
the transform, which may be desirable in many applications.
is a random vector with mean vector
and covariance
then its transform
has the following mean vector and
covariance matrix:
In general the unitary transform of any square matrix
by a unitary
Next: Eigenvalues and matrix diagonalization
Up: algebra
Previous: Normal, Hermitian, and unitary
Ruye Wang