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Vector norms

In general, the ``size'' of a given variable $x$ can be represented by its norm $\vert\vert x\vert\vert$. Moreover, the distance between two variables $x$ and $y$ can be represented by the norm of their difference $\vert\vert x-y\vert\vert$. In other words, the norm of $x$ is its distance to the origin $y=0$ of the space in which $x$ exists.

Specifically, the norm $\vert\vert x\vert\vert$ is defined according to the space in which the variable $x$ exists:

The concept of norm can also be generalized to other forms of variables, such a function $f(t)$, and an $M\times N$ matrix ${\bf A}$.

Although vector norm is generally defined as $\vert\vert{\bf x}\vert\vert=\sqrt{\langle{\bf x},{\bf x}\rangle}$, other alternative forms of norm are also widely used to measure the size of a vector.


The norm of a vector ${\bf x} \in V$ in vector space $V$ is a real non-negative value representing intuitively the length, size, or magnitude of the vector. Specifically, the norm of ${\bf x} \in V$ must satisfy the following three conditions:

The triangle inequality can also be expressed in alternative forms. Replacing ${\bf y}$ by ${\bf z}=-{\bf y}$ we get

\vert\vert{\bf x}-{\bf z}\vert\vert\le \vert\vert{\bf x}\vert\vert+\vert\vert{\bf z}\vert\vert

Also, subtracting $\vert\vert{\bf y}\vert\vert$ from both sides, and defining ${\bf z}={\bf x}+{\bf y}$ (so that ${\bf x}={\bf z}-{\bf y}$), we get

\vert\vert{\bf z}\vert\vert-\vert\vert{\bf y}\vert\vert\le \vert\vert{\bf z}-{\bf y}\vert\vert

which holds for either $\vert\vert{\bf z}\vert\vert>\vert\vert{\bf y}\vert\vert$ or $\vert\vert{\bf z}\vert\vert<\vert\vert{\bf y}\vert\vert$, and can be further written as

\bigg\vert \vert\vert{\bf x}\vert\vert-\vert\vert{\bf y}\vert\vert\bigg\vert\le \vert\vert{\bf x}-{\bf y}\vert\vert

Combining the two results above, we get

\vert\vert{\bf x}\vert\vert-\vert\vert{\bf y}\vert\vert\le\v...
...ert\le \vert\vert{\bf x}\vert\vert+\vert\vert{\bf y}\vert\vert


Two norms $\vert\vert{\bf x}\vert\vert _a$ and $\vert\vert{\bf x}\vert\vert _{a'}$ are equivalent if there exist two positive real constants $c$ and $C$ so that

c \vert\vert{\bf A}\vert\vert _{a'}\le \vert\vert{\bf A}\vert\vert _a\le C \vert\vert{\bf A}\vert\vert _{a'}


All different norms ${\bf x}$ are equivalent.



Here are some examples of common vector norms:

The commonly used p-norms are for $p=1$, $p=2$, and $p=\infty$:

    $\displaystyle \vert\vert{\bf x}\vert\vert _\infty\le\vert\vert{\bf x}\vert\vert _1\le n \vert\vert{\bf x}\vert\vert _\infty$  
    $\displaystyle \vert\vert{\bf x}\vert\vert _\infty\le\vert\vert{\bf x}\vert\vert _2\le \sqrt{n} \vert\vert{\bf x}\vert\vert _\infty$  
    $\displaystyle \vert\vert{\bf x}\vert\vert _2\le\vert\vert{\bf x}\vert\vert _1\le \sqrt{n} \vert\vert{\bf x}\vert\vert _2$  

Out of the three vector norms, the Euclidean 2-norm represents the geometric length of a vector in 2 or 3-D space, which is conserved, or invariant, under rotation, a unitary transform ${\bf y}={\bf R}{\bf x}$ by an orthogonal (orthogonal if in real field) matrix satisfying ${\bf R}^*={\bf R}^{-1}$ or ${\bf R}^*{\bf R}={\bf R}^{-1}{\bf R}={\bf I}$:

\vert\vert{\bf y}\vert\vert _2^2={\bf y}^*{\bf y}=({\bf R}{\...
...R}) {\bf x}={\bf x}^*{\bf x}=\vert\vert{\bf x}\vert\vert _2^2

i.e., $\vert\vert{\bf y}\vert\vert=\vert\vert{\bf x}\vert\vert$, rotation does not change the length of a vector.

Definition The distance between two points ${\bf x}, {\bf y}\in V$ in a vector space is defined as the norm of the difference ${\bf x}-{\bf y}$.

d_p({\bf x},{\bf y})=\vert\vert{\bf x}-{\bf y}\vert\vert _p
...N \vert x_i-y_i\vert^p\right)^{1/p},\;\;\;\;(1\le p\le \infty)


The three unit circles or spheres, are formed by all points ${\bf x}$ of unity norm $\vert\vert{\bf x}\vert\vert _p=1$ with unity distance to the origin (blue, black, and red for $d_\infty$, $d_2$, and $d_1$, respectively).

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Ruye Wang 2015-04-27