Application to Image Data

The KLT can be applied to a set of $N$ images for various purposes such as data compression and feature extraction. There are two alternative ways to carry out the KLT on the $N$ images each containing $K$ pixels, depending on how the random vector ${\bf x}$ is defined based on the image data which can be represented in the form of an $N\times K$ 2-D array.

As shown previously, these two different covariance matrices share the same eigenvalues. The eigenequations for ${\bf X}^T{\bf X}$ and ${\bf X}^T{\bf X}$ (with the constant coefficients $1/K$ and $1/N$ neglected) are:

$\displaystyle {\bf X}^T{\bf X}{\bf v}=\lambda{\bf v},
{\bf X}{\bf X}^T{\bf u}=\mu{\bf u}.$ (88)

Pre-multiplying ${\bf X}^T$ on both sides of the second equation we get

$\displaystyle {\bf X}^T{\bf X} [{\bf X}^T{\bf u}]=\mu [{\bf X}^T{\bf u}].$ (89)

which is actually the first eigenequation with the same eigenvalue $\mu=\lambda$ and eigenvector ${\bf v}={\bf X}^T{\bf u}$ when normalized. The two covariance matrices ${\bf\Sigma}$ and ${\bf\Sigma}'$ have the same rank $R=\min(N,K)$ (if ${\bf X}$ is not degenerate) and therefore the same number of non-zero eigenvalues. Consequently, the KLT can be carried out based on either matrix with the same effects in terms of the signal decorrelation and energy compaction. As the number of pixels in the image is typically much greater than the number of images, $K>N$, we will take the second approach above to treat the pixels in the same position in all $N$ images as a sample of an $N$-dimensional random signal vector and carry out the KLT based on the $N\times N$ covariance matrix $\hat{{\bf\Sigma}}$.

We can now carry out the KLT to each of the $K$ $N$-dimensianl vectors ${\bf x}$ corresponding to each pixel of the $N$ images to obtain another $N$-dimensional vector ${\bf y}={\bf v}^*{\bf x}$ for the same pixel of a set of $N$ eigen-images, as shown below. After the KLT, most of the energy/information contained in the $N$ images, representing the variations among all $N$ images, is concentrated in the first few eigen-images corresponding to the greatest eigenvalues, while the remaining eigen-images can be omitted without losing much energy/information. This is the foundation for various KLT-based image compression and feature extraction algorithms. The subsequent operations such as image recognition and classification can all be carried out in a much lower dimensional space.


We now consider some of such applications.