If the first derivatives of the function
are known as well
as the function value at each of the
node points
i.e., we have available a set of
, then the function can be interpolated
by a polynomial of degree
(46) |
(47) |
In practice, the Hermite interpolation can be used in such a
case. First, we assume , and represent the Hermite polynomial
as a linear combination of
basis polynomials
) of degree
(48) |
(49) |
(50) |
(51) |
(52) |
(53) |
(54) |
The Hermite interpolation is carried out to the same function
used in previous examples, with the result
shown in the figure below, together with the basis polynomials
. As the first order derivative
available as well as the function value
at each node point
the interpolation
matches the given function
very well
(almost identical on the plots), with an error
, which
is much reduced from
of all methods previously discussed
based only on
The Matlab code that implements the Hermite interpolation method is listed below.
function [H a b]=HIL(u,x,y,dy) % Hermite interpolation (Lagrange) % u: discrete data points; % vector x: [x_1,...,x_n] % vector y: [y_1,...,y_n] % vector dy: [y'_1,...,y'_n] n=length(x); % number of interpolating points k=length(u); % number of discrete data points li=ones(n,k); % Lagrange basis polynomials a=zeros(n,k); % basis polynomials alpha(x) b=zeros(n,k); % basis polynomials beta(x) H=zeros(1,k); % Hermie interpolation polynomial H(x) for i=1:n dl=0; % derivative of Lagrange basis for j=1:n if j~=i dl=dl+1/(x(i)-x(j)); li(i,:)=li(i,:).*(u-x(j))/(x(i)-x(j)); end end l2=li(i,:).^2; b(i,:)=(u-x(i)).*l2; % basis polynomial alpha(x) a(i,:)=(1-2*(u-x(i))*dl).*l2; % basis polynomial beta(x) H=H+a(i,:)*y(i)+b(i,:)*dy(i); % Hermite polynomial H(x) end end
We next consider the case when . Now we have
at each of the node
. Such a dataset can be represented by
another variable
that takes the values of
each repeated
times, as shown in the table:
(55) |
This function with
sample points can then be
interpolated by the Newton polynomial method. For example, if
, then the Newton's polynomial of degree
can be found to be:
(56) |
(57) |
(58) |
(59) |
The Hermite interpolation based Newton's polynomials is again carried
out to the same function
used before.
Now we assume both the first and second order derivatives
are available as well as
at the
points. The resulting Hermite interpolation
is plotted together
in the figure below. We see that they are almost identical,
with an error
The Matlab code that implements this algorithm is listed below.
function [v]=HIN(u,x,dy) % Hermite interpolation (Newton) % u: discrete data points; % vector x: [x_1,...,x_n] % matrix dy contains m derivatives at each of the n points [n m]=size(dy); k=length(u); % number of discrete data points v=zeros(1,k); % interpolation results dd=DividedDifference2(x,dy); % get the divided difference array w=ones(1,k); for i=1:n p=u-x(i); for j=1:m l=(i-1)*m+j; % index of the coefficient v=v+dd(l,l).*w; % which is on the diagnal of array dd w=w.*p; end end end function dd=DividedDifference2(x,dy) % generate array of divided differences [n m]=size(dy); % n data points, m derivatives (0 to m-1) dd=zeros(n*m); % matrix of divided differences z=zeros(1,n*m); k=1; for i=1:n % n data points for j=1:m % m derivatives (0 to m-1) at each point k=(i-1)*m+j; % row index z(k)=x(i); dd(k,1)=dy(i,1); % 0th divided difference in first column fprintf('%6.3f\t%6.3f\t',z(k),dd(k,1)); for l=2:k % column index for the remaining columns %fprintf('(%f %f)\n',dd(k,l-1),dd(k-1,l-1)); if dd(k,l-1)==dd(k-1,l-1) % left and top-left neighbors are repeated dd(k,l)=dy(i,l)/factorial(l-1); fprintf('k=%d, l=%d\n',k,l); pause else dd(k,l)=(dd(k,l-1)-dd(k-1,l-1))/(z(k)-z(k-l+1)); end fprintf('%6.3f\t',dd(k,l)); end fprintf('\n'); end end end
The array of divided differences generated by the function DividedDifference2
is given below, the elements along the diagonal are the coefficients in the Hermite
(60) |