Art 50

Beginning Black&White Photography

Assignment Schedule -- Fall

(Image at right is by Matt Mattozzi, fall 2000)




Date Time Assignments
Sep 6th 2:45 Orientation (bring camera equipment)
Sep 20th 2:45 Basic darkroom work. Shoot one or two roles of film. Develop film. Print a standard proof sheet for each. Print a few sample 5X7 prints. Bring everything for a critique session. [There will be an instructional session in the darkroom for beginners.]
Oct 4th 2:45 The Zone System. Take two rolls of pictures of a variety of subjects. Concentrate on simplicity and image management, but mainly concentrate on producing images that present exciting contrasts, covering a wide range of Zones. (See notes on the Zone system in "Basic Camera Operation.")
Oct 18th 2:45 Representation of space. Divide your images for this session into two groups. One group should be distinctly two-dimensional or flat; the other should be images that express or represent three-dimensions. Do not lose sight of simplicity and contrast.
Nov 1st 2:45 Composition (Image Management). Again, take two rolls of pictures. Explore a variety of subjects with which you are comfortable and concentrate on the options you have in camera placement and the resulting ways that composition becomes expressive. Images should explore balance and relationships of different kinds.
Nov 15th 2:45 Portraits. Create a series of portraits. (You'll probably want to make a number of images for each person.) And consider various ways in which exposure and composition can express something about the person. (In portraiture, it's very important to watch out for and manage backgrounds.)
Dec 6th 2:45 Portfolio Preparation. Bring the images that you want to exhibit in the photo show.
Dec 16th all day Photo show

Updated on May 21, 2002; click here to return to Course HomePage.