The input and output of an emitter follower are the base and the emitter, respectively, and the collector is at AC zero. The circuit is therefore a common-collector circuit (for AC).
The negative feedback effect due to can be shown qualitatively:
(110) |
(111) |
(112) |
(113) |
(114) |
Example 1
, then
(115) |
Example 2
In the same circuit, find so that the DC operating
point is in the middle of the linear region, i.e.,
. For this to be the case,
we need
(116) |
(117) |
(118) |
AC small-signal equivalent circuit
Based on small signal model of the transistor:
we find the AC equivalent circit of the emitter follower:
and we can further find the three system parameters: voltage gain, input resistance, and output resistance, as shown below.
As is significantly greater than
, it is
neglected in the analysis below.
(119) |
(120) |
We note that the voltage gain is smaller than but
approximately equal to 1. Note that
is positive, i.e.,
the output voltage is in phase with the input voltage.
The input resistance is the parallel combination of and
, the resistance of the circuit to right of the base
of the transistor, including the load
, which can be found
as the ratio of
. We first get:
(121) |
(122) |
(123) |
The output resistance is the parallel combination of and
, the resistance of the circuit to the left of the
emitter of the transistor (including
), which can be
found as the ratio of the open-circuit voltage
and the short-circuit current
Due to the unity gain of the voltage gain follower,
is approximately the same as the source voltage
(124) |
(125) |
(126) |
The emitter follower is a circuit with strong negative feedback,
i.e., the full output
is fed back to become part of
its input
. Due to this deep negative feedback, it has the
following properties:
Although the emitter follower circuit does not amplify the signal
voltage, it drastically improves the input and output resistances,
when compared with the common-emitter circuit with
and output resistances
Due to its high input resistance , it draws little current
from the source, causing little internal voltage drop across the
internal resistance of the source, also due to its low output
, it can drive heavy load (low
) without
lowering its output voltage. It is therefore widely used as a
buffer between two stages of a multi-stage amplification circuit.
For the emiter follower in the example above, the input resistance
is approximately
, and
the output resistance is approximately