The common-emitter transistor circuit is commonly used for voltage
amplification, as shown in the example below. Here we assume
, and
The current and voltage on both input and output sides can be obtained either algebraically or graphically as shown below.
The input voltage and current
Assuming the transistor is properly biased so that
we get the input voltage
as the superposition
of DC component
and a small AC input
(22) |
Due to the small dynamic range () of the input voltage, the
non-linear (approximately exponential) input characteristic can be
linearized locally as a resistance, the reciprocal of the
slope of the input characteristic curve around
(23) |
(24) |
Why can't we get the base current in the following way?
(25) |
The output voltage and current
The load line is the plot of equation
, a
straight line that goes through the two points:
(26) |
(27) |
(28) |
Comparing the AC sinusoidal component
the input and the AC component
of the output,
we see that the CE transistor ircuit is a voltage amplifier by which
the input is amplified by
times. Also, the negative
sign indicates the output voltage (
) is
out of phase compared to that of the input signal (
i.e., the circuit is a reverse amplifier.
Waveform distortion
The waveform of the output may be distorted if the DC component
of the input voltage
(and thereby, the base current
) is
either too low or too high, causing either the positive or negative
peaks of the sinusoidal component to exceed the linear range of the
output characteristic plot, as illustrated below:
We see that severe distortion in output will be caused if
a transistor circuit is working near either the cutoff or the
saturation region. It is therefore desirable to properly set the
DC operating point around the middle of the linear range along the
load line, to avoid to be too close to either the saturation or
cutoff region. Specifically,
. Given the input voltage
, find the corresponding output voltage