Bode Plots

The Bode plot is named after Hendrik Wade Bode (1905 – 1982), an American engineer and scientist, of Dutch ancestry, a pioneer of modern control theory and electronic telecommunications.

The frequency response function (FRF) is a complex function of the frequency $\omega=2\pi f$ that describes the response of a system to input of different frequencies:

$\displaystyle H(j\omega)=\vert H(j\omega)\vert e^{j\angle H(j\omega)}=\vert H(j\omega)\vert \angle H(j\omega)$ (494)

The Bode plot presents both the magnitude $\vert H(j\omega)\vert$ and phase angle $\angle H(j\omega)$ of $H(j\omega)$ as functions of frequency in logarithmic scale. (Zero frequency is at $-\infty$ as $10^{-\infty}=0$.) Moreover, the magnitude $\vert H(j\omega)\vert$ is also represented in logarithmic scale in decibel (dB), and is called log magnitude. A Bode plot is composed of two parts:

The logarithmic scale of the frequency is composed of several “decades” each for a range of frequencies from $\omega$ to $10 \omega$, independent of the specific frequency $\omega$.

Bede plots have the following advantages:

All FRFs of interest in this course can be considered as a combination of some components or building blocks, including:

Given the Bode plot of any building block $H(j\omega)$, we can obtain the plots of any combination of them.

We will first consider each of such components at a time, and then consider their combinations. In particular, we will study the first order system:

$\displaystyle H(j\omega)=\frac{N(j\omega)}{1+j\omega \tau}$ (497)

and the second order system:

$\displaystyle H(j\omega)=\frac{N(j\omega)}{(j\omega)^2+2\zeta\omega_n j\omega +\omega_n^2}
=\frac{N(j\omega)}{(\omega_n^2-\omega^2)+j\;(2\zeta\omega_n \omega) }$ (498)