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Imperfection of the Eye Optics

The previous section only considers the perfect or ideal situation of the optics of the eye, namely, a perfect image of the object is formed on the retina without any distortion. However, in reality, the image formed on the retina is imperfect for basically the following reasons:

Due to the aberration and diffraction, a perfect point light will have an imperfect image of some finite size and some asymmetric shape. The 2D function representing the shape of this imperfect image of a perfect point, called point-spread function, is used to describe the distortion caused by the optics and its Fourier transform is called the optical transform function, which can be used to predict the image of any other non-point object, based on the assumption that the optical system is a linear and shift-invariant system.

The aberrations of the optics of the eye can be studied by shining a light into the eye and receiving the reflection from the retina. Campbell and Gubisch (1966) used a signle line displayed on a monitor screen and recorded its reflection from the observor's retina as a 1D funciton of space for different pupil diameters ranging from 1.0 mm to 6.6 mm. In the ideal situation with no aberration or distortion, the image reflected from the retina should also be a single line. However, the actual retina reflection measured as a spatial function has the general shape of a single peak (corresponding to the single line of incoming signal) whose width increases as the pupil diameter increases, as larger pupil diameter will introduce more aberrations to the opitcs. However, on the other hand, the larger pupil diameter allows more light to pass and thereby higher signal-to-noise ratio.



The recorded function which represents the light going through the optics twice (in and out) is further corrected to obtain the line-spread function, the actual image of the single line formed on the retina. This line-spread function has similar shape as the measured function with a single peak whose width also increases as the pupil diameter increases, reflecting the fact that larger aperture of the optical system will cause poorer focusing. Westheimer (1986) propsed a formular to desribe this line-spread function at pupil diameter of 3 mm:



Figure: Line-spread function of eye

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Ruye Wang