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Color Mixing I: Red + Green = Yellow

To show that three types of receptors cannot resolve all possible colors, we consider, for example, three spectral (monochromatic) colors:

As shown in the figure, the responses of the L and M (red and green) cones to color $L_y(\lambda)=\delta(\lambda-\lambda_y)$ are the same as their responses to the mixed color

=\delta(\lambda-\lambda_r)+\delta(\lambda-\lambda_g) \end{displaymath}


\begin{displaymath}r_i=\int S_i(\lambda) L_y(\lambda) d\lambda
=\int S_i(\lambda) L_{rg}(\lambda) d\lambda \;\;\;\;(i=L, M) \end{displaymath}

So colors $L_y(\lambda)$ and $L_{rg}(\lambda)$ cannot be distinguished by our visual system. That is why ``red plus green is yellow''.


Ruye Wang 2013-09-25