Next: 2D DWT
Up: wavelets
Previous: Discrete Wavelet Transform
As shown before, the discrete wavelet transform of a discrete signal
is the process of getting the coefficients:
where the basis scaling and wavelet functions are respectively
Recall that both the scaling and wavelet functions can be expanded in terms
of the basis scaling functions of the next higher resolution:
We now consider a fast algorithm to obtain the coefficients
of different scales
. Consider first the scaling function
. Replacing
(scaled by
and translated by
we get
We then let
, the above becomes
Similarly, the wavelet function can also be expanded:
This wavelet function is identical to the one used in the discrete wavelet transform
above, which can be replaced by the right-hand side of the equation:
Note that the expression inside the brackets happens to be the wavelet transform
for the coefficient of scale
therefore we have a recursive relation between the wavelet transform coefficients
of two consecutive scale levels
and the same is true to the scaling function:
Comparing these equations with a discrete convolution:
we see that the wavelet transform coefficients
at the jth scale can be obtained from the coefficients
at the (j+1)th scale by:
- Convolution with time-reversed
- Sub-sampling to get every other samples in the convolution.
We can therefore write
Based on these two equations, all wavelet and scaling coefficients
of a given signal
can be obtained recursively
from the coefficients
at the highest
resolution level
(with maximum details), i.e., the
data points
) directly sampled from the signal
. As a member of space
, these discrete samples can be written as a linear combination of the scaling
basis functions
If we let the kth basis function be a unit pulse at the kth sampling time, i.e.,
(same as the ith component of a unit vector
in N-dimensional vector space is
), then the kth
is the same as the kth sample of the function
, from which the scaling and wavelet coefficients of
the lower scales
can be obtained by the subsequent filter banks.
Inverse Wavelet Transform
As the forward wavelet transform - finding the transform coefficients
from a given function
- can be implemented by
the analysis filter bank, the inverse wavelet transform - reconstructing the function
from the coefficients
- can be implemented by
the synthesis filter bank.
Complexity of FWT
The computation cost of the fast wavelet transform (FWT) is the convolutions carried
out in each of the filters. The number of data samples in the convolution is halved
after each sub-sampling, therefore the total complexity is:
i.e., the FWT has linear complexity.
The system shown in the figure above is called a filter bank and is further discussed
A detailed discussion about Matlab implementaton can be found on this
MathWorks webpage.
Next: 2D DWT
Up: wavelets
Previous: Discrete Wavelet Transform
Ruye Wang