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Fourier Filtering 2D

In the spatial frequency domain, the spectrum of the 2D spatial signal (the image) is represented by a 2D array $X[k,l]=X_r[k,l]+j X_i[k,l]$. An arbitrary location $(k,l)$ in the spectrum array represents a spatial sinusoid with

And the complex coefficient $X[k,l]=X_r[k,l]+jX_i[k,j]$ specifies the of the sinusoid. All frequency components $X[k,l]$ can be modified according to specific filtering needs. We could enhance and/or reduce various frequency components by multiplying the spectrum by a 2D filter mask. Note that if the spectrum is centralized, the DC is in the middle $(N/2,N/2)$ of the spectrum. The farther a frequency component $(k,l)$ is from this point, the higher frequency it has.


Here are some typical 2D filters. We assume $u=k-N/2, v=l-N/2$ in the following.

The high-pass filters corresponding to each of the low-pass filters above can be obtained by

\begin{displaymath}H_{high-pass}=1-H_{low-pass} \end{displaymath}

Alternatively, the same filters above can be used as high-pass filters if they are applied to the 2D spectrum without centralization.

The filtering effects are shown in these demonstrations

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Ruye Wang 2015-11-12