Proof: Evaluating the exponential function at two points
and we get two points in the x-y plane and .
The parametric expression of the secant line through these two points is
The parametric expression of the function between these two
points is:
As the is convex downward (or concave upward), it is never higher
than the secant line function in the interval , and we have
The equality holds only when or .
Young's inequality
For any two real positive values satisfying
and any two real numbers and , we have
Proof: Substituting
and into the
interpolation inequality for above, we get:
We further let , and get , the above becomes
Young's inequality:
Holder's inequality
Applying Young's inequality to the following
we get
Taking summation on both sides we get
In particular when , , we have
This is the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality.
Minkowski's inequality
Applying Holder's inequality to each of the two terms on the right-hand side,
we get
But as , and
the above becomes:
Multiplying both sides by
, we get Minkowski's