As one of the most important tasks in machine learning,
pattern classification is to classify some objects of interest,
generically referred to as patterns and described by a set of
features or attributes that characterizes the patterns,
to one of some
classes or categories. Each pattern is
represented by a vector (or a point)
a d-dimensional feature space, where
is a
variable for the measurement of the ith feature. Symbolically, the
classes can be denoted
, and a pattern
belonging to the kth class is denoted by
. Pattern
classification can therefore be considered as the process by which
the d-dimensional feature space is partitioned into
regions each
corresponding to one of the
classes. The boundaries between these
regions, called decision boundaries, are to be determined by the
specific algorithm, called a classifier, used for the classification.
Pattern classification can be carried out as either a supervised
or unsupervised learning process, depending on the availability
of a training set containing patterns of known class identities.
Specifically, the training set contains a set of patterns in
, labeled respectively by the
corresponding component in
the class identities of the corresponding patterns in some way. For
example, we can use
to indicate
. In the special case when
, there are only two classes
, and the classifier becomes binary based on
training pattern
, each labeled by
We assume there are training samples
all labeled to belong
, and in total
samples in
the training set. If the training set is a fair representation of all
patterns of different classes in the entire dataset, then
be treated as an estimate of the a priori probability that any
randomly selected pattern
happens to belong to class
without any prior knowledge of the pattern.
Once a classifier is properly trained according to a specific algorithm
based on the traning set, the feature space is partitioned into regions
corresponding to the different classes and any unlabeled pattern of unknown
class as a vector in the feature space can be classified into
one of the
Supervised classification can be considered as a process of
establishing the corresponding relationship between the patterns
treated as the independent or input
variables to the classifier, and the classes
input patterns belong, treated as the dependent or output variables.
Therefore regression and classification can be considered as the
same supervised learning process: modeling the relationship between
the data points in
and their
corresponding labelings (or targets) in
. This
process is regression when the labelings take continous real values,
but it is classification when they are discrete categorical
representing different classes. Some methods in the previous chapter
on regression analysis are actually used as classifiers, such as
logistic and solfmax regressions, and the method of Gaussian process
can also be used for classification.
If the training data of labeled patterns are unavailable, various
unsupervised learning methods can be used to assign each
unlabeled patterns into one of the different groups, called
clusters, according to its position in the feature space,
based on the overall spatial structure and distribution of the
data set in the feature space. This process is called
clustering analysis or simply clustering.
There exsit a variety of methods for learning, including both
regression and classification, based on different models
assumed. One way to characterize these methods is to put
them all in a probabilistic framework, in terms of the
probabilities of the given dataset incuding data points
and the corresponding labeling
. Now a method can be
categorized into either of the following two groups:
A discriminative method stablishes a model that maps a data pont
to a class labeling
. Such a model is either a pure
or traditional discriminative model if it is deterministic and
aims to fit the training set in some optimal way, or a conditional
model if it is probabilistic in nature, such as the conditional
. The model parameters in
are obtained in some optimal way based on the training set. Then
prediction can be made for any unlabeled
in terms of the
. As a discriminative method aims at finding the
decision boundaries between different classes based on the training
set, only those data samples that are close to the boundaries play
an important role, while all other samples farther away from the
boundaries are mostly ignored.
Typical discrimiative methods include:
A generative method first assumes certain probabilistic model
for the underlying structure of the observed data, such the
joint probability
based on all data
samples available. It then estimates the parameter
of the model based on the training dataset, and obtains the
conditional probability
(by Bayes' theorem) based
on which a prediction can be made for any unlabeled
find the corresponding
. As in general the generative method
is based on some probabilistic model of the data, it can be used
for unsupervised learning as well as supervised.
Typical generative methods include:
Here are some comparisons between the two approaches: