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Generalized Hough transform

Two possible difficulties may occur in the above Hough transform method: (a) the shape has to be described by an equation, and (b) the number of parameters $n$ (dimensions of the parameter space) may be high. Given the two equations:

\begin{displaymath}\left\{ \begin{array}{l}
f(x,y,\alpha_1,\cdots,\alpha_n)=0 \...
=cot\; \angle G \end{array} \right. \end{displaymath}

we still have to search the remaining $n-2$ dimensions of the parameter space. These two difficulties can be avoided by the generalized Hough transform shown below.

  1. Preparation: build a table for the given shape


\begin{tabular}{c\vert\vert cccc}\hline
$\phi_1=0$ & $(r,\...
...$ & $\cdots$ & $(r,\beta)_{k_{n_1}}$  \hline

  2. Detection of the shape and its locations in image

    For each image point $(x,y)$ with $\vert G(x,y)\vert > T_s$, find the table entry with its corresponding angle $\phi_j$ closest to $\angle G(x,y)$. Then for each of the $n_j$ pairs $(r, \beta)_i$ ( $i=1,\cdots,n_j$) in this table entry, find

    \begin{displaymath}\left\{ \begin{array}{l}
x_c=x+r \; cos \; \beta \\
y_c=y+r \; sin \; \beta \end{array} \right.

    and increment the corresponding element in the H array by 1:

    \begin{displaymath}H(x_c,y_c)=H(x_c,y_c)+1 \end{displaymath}

    All elements in the H table satisfying $H(x_c, y_c) > T_h$ represent the locations of the shape in the image.

    It is desirable to detect a certain 2D shape independent of its orientation and scale, as well as its location. To do so, two additional parameters, a scaling factor $S$ and a rotational angle $\theta$, are needed to describe the shape. Now the Hough space becomes 4-dimensional $H(x_c, y_c, S, \theta)$. The detection algorithm becomes the following:

    For each image point $(x,y)$ with $\vert G(x,y)\vert>T$, find the proper table entry with $\phi_j=\angle G(x,y)$. Then for each of the $n_j$ pairs $(r, \beta)_i$ ( $i=1,\cdots,n_j$) in this table entry, do the following for all $S$ and $\theta$: find

    \begin{displaymath}\left\{ \begin{array}{l}
x_c=x+r\;S\; cos (\beta+\theta) \\
y_c=y+r\;S\; sin (\beta+\theta) \end{array} \right.

    and increment the corresponding element in the 4D H array by 1:

    \begin{displaymath}H(x_d,y_c,S,\theta)=H(x_c,y_c,S,\theta)+1 \end{displaymath}

    All elements in the H table satisfying $H(x_c, y_c,S,\theta) > T_h$ represent the scaling factor $S$, rotation angle $\theta$ of the shape, as well as its reference point location $(x_c, y_c)$ in the image.

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Ruye Wang 2009-11-17