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Local Search Algorithms

Marr and Poggio (1977) proposed an algorithm to solve correspondence problem based on the gray levels (assumed to be black and white for simplicity) of the two retina images. Their algorithm has the following two phases:

Inverse project the two images so that the rays from the two eyes intersect to form a 3D grid. Each intersection is assigned a value of 1, if the rays from the two retina images correspond to the same color (white or black), or a value of 0, if the rays correspond to different colors ((one white one black). The intersections set to 1 are possible to be on object surfaces, but the intersections set to 0 are definitely not and are therefore excluded in the rest of the algorithm.

../figures/MP_depth_model.gif ../figures/MP_depth_model_0.gif

Iterate to eliminate some of the possible surface points by two assumed constraints: The iteration is carried out by treating the grid of intersections as a dynamic network (called neural network, although it has nothing to do with the actural neural wiring) where each intersection represents a neuron which is connected to its neighbors by either excitatory or inhibitory weights. The excitatory connection is in the horizontal direction parallel to the two retina images to promote depth continuity, and the inhibitory connection is along the rays so that only one intersection in front of all others along the ray will remain active while all others are inhibited. By the end of this iteration when the network is stablized, the active intersections form the reconstructed object surface, as shown below.

../figures/MP_depth_model_1.gif ../figures/MP_depth_model_2.gif

While this algorithm successfully solve the correspondence problem, it is seriously challenged by the random-dot experiment (Prazdny 1984) as shown below, where neighboring points in the retina images may be from 3D points of different depths, i.e., the assumption of surface continuity is no longer valid. However, human subjects can solve this stereogram effortlessly.


Another algorithm by Jones and Malik (1992) is based on the idea of spatial filtering. This method assumes a set of biologically inspired spatial filters for different spatial frequencies (scales) and different orientations is available at every retina location. Each local region in the retina image is filtered by this set of filters and the corresponding outputs are stored as the elements of a vector representing the region. Instead of matching the pixels in the left and right retina images, this method matches a vector for a position in the first image to the vectors of a set of regions in the neighborhood (with different lateral displacements) of the corresponding position in the other image. The bionocular disparity is obtained from the two vectors that match the best.

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Ruye Wang