Next: Homomorphic Filtering Algorithm
Up: Computational Models of Color
Previous: Land's Retinex Theory
A different computational model was proposed by Horn to account for the color
constancy. This model is based on the same assumption that in general the
illumination is a low spatial frequency signal while the reflectance is a high
spatial frequency signal. To separate the high frequency components from the
signal, a differential operation, can be considered. Since we want to
treat edges of different orientations equally, the first order partial
derivatives with respect to the two spatial directions x and y are not
the best candidate as they are not rotationally symmetric. Therefore the second
order spatial derivative, the Laplacian operator, is used:
- Take logarithm of the input light signal so that reflectance and
illumination become additive:
- Apply Laplacian operator to
- Threshold
As we assume the illumination as a spatial function is much more homogeneous
than the reflectance, the Laplas of the illumination
small and therefore does not pass the threshold T.
- Take inverse Laplacian operation
where R'(x,y) is the desired reflectance that can be obtained by solving
this Poisson's equation using convolution
- Take exponential operation
R(x,y)=exp[ R'(x,y) ]
Next: Homomorphic Filtering Algorithm
Up: Computational Models of Color
Previous: Land's Retinex Theory
Ruye Wang