Linear Models for Binary Classification

We first consider binary classification based on the same linear model $y=f({\bf x})+r={\bf x}^T{\bf w}+r$ used in linear regression considered before. Any test sample ${\bf x}$ is classified into one of the two classes $\{C_0,\,C_1\}$ depending on whether $f({\bf x})$ is greater or smaller than zero:

if$\displaystyle \;\;f({\bf x})={\bf w}^T{\bf x}\left\{\begin{array}{l}<0\\ >0
\end{array}\right.,\;\;\;\;\;\;\;$then$\displaystyle \;\;\;\;
{\bf x}\in \left\{\begin{array}{c} C_0 \\ C_1\end{array}\right.$ (275)

Here ${\bf w}$ is a model parameter to be determined based on the training set ${\cal D}=\{({\bf x}_n,\,y_n)\vert n=1,\cdots,N\}=\{{\bf X},{\bf y}\}$, where ${\bf X}=[{\bf x}_1,\cdots,{\bf x}_N]$, ${\bf y}=[ y_1,\cdots,y_N]^T$, ${\bf x}_n\in C_n$ if $y_n=1$ and ${\bf x}_i\in C_0$ if $y_i=-1$, so that ${\bf w}$ fits all data points optimally in certain sense.

While in the previously considered least square classification method, we find the optimal ${\bf w}$ that minimizes the squared error $\varepsilon({\bf w})=\vert\vert{\bf r}\vert\vert^2$, here we find the optimal ${\bf w}$ based on a probabilistic model. Specifically, we now convert the linear function $f({\bf x})={\bf x}^T{\bf w}$ into the probability for ${\bf x}$ to belong to either class:

$\displaystyle p({\bf x}\in C_1\vert{\bf w})$ $\displaystyle =$ $\displaystyle p(y=1\vert{\bf x},{\bf w})$  
$\displaystyle p({\bf x}\in C_0\vert{\bf w})$ $\displaystyle =$ $\displaystyle p(y=-1\vert{\bf x},{\bf w})
=1-p(y=1\vert{\bf x},{\bf w})$ (276)

This is done by a sigmoid function defined as either a logistic or cumulative Gaussian (error function, erf):
logistic:$\displaystyle \;\;\;\;$ $\displaystyle \sigma(z)=$ $\displaystyle \frac{1}{1+e^{-z}}=\frac{e^z}{1+e^z}$  
erf:$\displaystyle \;\;\;\;$ $\displaystyle \phi(z)=$ $\displaystyle \int_{-\infty}^z {\cal N}(u\vert,1)\,du
=\frac{1}{\sqrt{2\pi}} \int_{-\infty}^z \exp\left(-\frac{1}{2} u^2\right)\,du$ (277)

In either case, we have

$\displaystyle \sigma(z)=\left\{\begin{array}{ll}0 & z=-\infty\\
1 & z=\infty\end{array}\right.
\;\;\;\;\;\;\;$and$\displaystyle \;\;\;\;\;\;\sigma(-z)=1-\sigma(z)$ (278)

Using this sigmoid function, $f={\bf x}^T{\bf w}$ in the range of $(-\infty,\;\infty)$ is mapped to $\sigma(f({\bf x}))$ in the range of $(0,\;1)$, which can be used as the probability for ${\bf x}$ to belong to either class:
$\displaystyle p(y=1\vert{\bf x},{\bf w})$ $\displaystyle =$ $\displaystyle \sigma({\bf x}^T{\bf w})=\sigma(f)$  
$\displaystyle p(y=-1\vert{\bf x},{\bf w})$ $\displaystyle =$ $\displaystyle 1-p(y=1\vert{\bf x},{\bf w})
=1-\sigma(f)=\sigma(-f)$ (279)

The two cases can be combined:

$\displaystyle p(y\vert{\bf x},{\bf w})=\sigma(y\;{\bf x}^T{\bf w})=\sigma(yf),
\;\;\;\;$or$\displaystyle \;\;\;\;
p(y\vert{\bf x},{\bf w})=\phi(y{\bf x}^T{\bf w})=\phi(yf)$ (280)


The binary classification problem can now be treated as a regression problem to find the model parameter ${\bf w}$ that best fits the data in the training set ${\cal D}=\{{\bf X},{\bf y}\}$. Such a regression problem is called logistic regression if $\sigma(z)$ is used, or probit regression if $\phi(z)$ is used.

Same as in the case of Bayesian regression, we assume the prior distribution of ${\bf w}$ to be a zero-mean Gaussian $p({\bf w})={\cal N}({\bf0},{\bf\Sigma}_w)$, and for simplicity we further assume ${\bf\Sigma}_w={\bf I}$, and find the likelihood of ${\bf w}$ based on the linear model applied to the observed data set ${\cal D}=\{({\bf x}_n,\,y_n)\vert n=1,\cdots,N\}$:

$\displaystyle {\cal L}({\bf w}\vert{\cal D})=p({\cal D}\vert{\bf w})
=p({\bf y}...
...f w})
=\prod_{n=1}^N \sigma(y_if_i)=\prod_{n=1}^N \sigma(y_n{\bf x}_n^T{\bf w})$ (281)

Note that this likelihood is not Gaussian (as in the case of Eq. ([*])), because ${\bf y}=\pm 1$ is the binary class labeling of the training samples in ${\bf X}$, instead of a continuous function as in the case of regression.

The posterior of ${\bf w}$ can now be expressed in terms of the prior $p({\bf w})$ and the likelihood $p({\bf y}\vert{\bf X},{\bf w})$:

$\displaystyle p({\bf w}\vert{\cal D})$ $\displaystyle =$ $\displaystyle p({\bf w}\vert{\bf X},{\bf y})
=\frac{p({\bf y},{\bf w}\vert{\bf ...
...y}\vert{\bf X})}
\propto p({\bf y}\vert{\bf X},{\bf w})\;p({\bf w}\vert{\bf X})$  
  $\displaystyle =$ $\displaystyle \prod_{n=1}^Np(y_n\vert{\bf x}_n,{\bf w})\;{\cal N}({\bf0},{\bf\S...
\exp\left(-\frac{1}{2}{\bf w}^T{\bf\Sigma}_w^{-1}{\bf w}\right)$ (282)

where the denominator $p({\bf y}\vert{\bf X})=p({\cal D})$ is dropped as it is a constant independent of the variable ${\bf w}$ of interest. We can further find the log posterior denoted by $\psi({\bf w})$:

$\displaystyle \psi({\bf w})=\log \;p({\bf w}\vert{\cal D})
=\sum_{n=1}^N \log \...
-\frac{1}{2}{\bf w}^T{\bf\Sigma}_w^{-1}{\bf w}$ (283)

The optimal ${\bf w}$ that best fits the training set ${\cal D}=\{{\bf X},{\bf y}\}$ can now be found as the one that maximizes this posterior $p({\bf w}\vert{\cal D})$, or, equivalently, the log posterior $\psi({\bf w})$, by setting the derivative of $\psi({\bf w})$ to zero and solving the resulting equation below by Newton's method or conjugate gradient ascent method:

$\displaystyle {\bf g}_{\psi}({\bf w})$ $\displaystyle =$ $\displaystyle \frac{d}{d{\bf w}} \left(\sum_{n=1}^N\log \sigma(y_nf_n) \right)
-\frac{d}{d{\bf w}}\left(\frac{1}{2}{\bf w}^T{\bf\Sigma}_w^{-1}{\bf w}\right)$  
  $\displaystyle =$ $\displaystyle \sum_{n=1}^N\frac{d}{d{\bf w}}
\left(\log \frac{1}{1+e^{-y_n{\bf x}_n^T{\bf w}}}\right)
-{\bf\Sigma}_w^{-1}{\bf w}$  
  $\displaystyle =$ $\displaystyle \sum_{n=1}^N\frac{y_n{\bf x}_n }{1+e^{y_n{\bf x}_n^T{\bf w}}}
-{\bf\Sigma}_w^{-1}{\bf w} ={\bf0}$ (284)

Having found the optimal ${\bf w}$, we can classify any test pattern ${\bf x}_*$ in terms of the posterior of its corresponding labeling $y_*$:

$\displaystyle p(y_*=1\vert{\bf x}_*,{\bf w})=\sigma({\bf x}_*^T{\bf w})
=\sigma(f({\bf x}_*))=\frac{1}{1+\exp({\bf x}_*^T{\bf w})}$ (285)

In a multi-class case with $(C_1,\cdots,C_K)$, we can still use a vector ${\bf w}_i$ $(i=1,\cdots,K)$ to represent each class $C_i$, the direction of the class with respect to the origin in the feature space, and the inner product ${\bf x}^T{\bf w}_i$ proportional to the projection of ${\bf x}$ onto vector ${\bf w}_i$ measures the extent to which ${\bf x}$ belongs to $C_i$. Similar to the logistic function used in the two-class case, here the soflmax function defined below is used to convert $-\infty<{\bf x}^T{\bf w}_i<\infty\,(i=1,\cdots,K)$ into the probability that ${\bf x}$ belongs to $C_i$:

$\displaystyle p(y\in C_i\vert{\bf x},{\bf W})
=\frac{\exp({\bf x}^T{\bf w}_i)}{...
... & {\bf x}^T{\bf w}_i=-\infty\\ 1 & {\bf x}^T{\bf w}_i=\infty\end{array}\right.$ (286)

where ${\bf W}=[{\bf w}_1,\cdots,{\bf w}_K]$.