This LXRE processor can have attached a LXRE SIMD Coprocessor (LSC).
The standard coprocessor for the LXRE is a 16 word-wide maskable SIMD processor. Like the LXRE processor, the LSC has 32 registers which are memory mapped. In addition, the coprocessor supports masking of results and 16 instructions on a queue at once. The instruction set for LSC is the same as the LXRE R-type instructions (currently the simulator only supports ADD/MUL).
The address space 0x1800 - 0x2000 is reserved by LSC. The address space is broken up as follows
15 - 11 | 10 - 6 | 5 - 2 | 1 - 0 |
00011 | REG | IDX | 00 |
To send an instruction to the LSC, write the instruction value to one of REG 0, IDX 1-15.
When read, each memory location will retain the value of the instruction until the instruction is executed.
Then the instruction will be replaced with a 0.
For instance to execute an instruction, one might do the following,
SW $T0, 0x1801
LW $T0, 0x1801
BNEZ $T0, busy_wait