The LXRE Assembler

The assembler is fairly simple, a line is broken up into the following components. SECTION LABEL VALUE COMMENT SECTION is one of .code, .data, or .value. LABEL is an identifier (any valid C identifier) followed by a colon. VALUE is either an instruction or data value, such as integer number, char, or string as would be entered in C. COMMENT starts with a # at continues to the end of the line. This should be a simplified form of MIPS assembly, just note that all registers must be prefixed by a $.

Note that the assembler outputs a 32 bit image, a utility script 32to64 has been written to convert that to 64 bit image used by verilog (and the sim-nc simulator)

Interfacing with LSC

The assembler includes pseudo-instructions VADD and VMUL. For instance

sends the ADD $RD, $RS, $RT to the IMM instruction in LSC.

For effiency it is recommended that you store the various instructions you need in .text, rather than loading and storing words when writing your final version of code that uses the LSC. This psuedo-instruction is provided for convience not efficiency.