This excellent chronology of Heidegger's life and works appears on the Ereignis site at I have duplicated a few of the pages on my site so that the information will not be lost. This means, however, that most of the links below do not work. Please visit the original site to obtain the full information. (I have arranged things in this way merely because the Ereignis site seems to be privately rather than institutionally served and provides very little information about its WebMaster, "Pete".) TB

The remaining material on this page is from the original site.

It is based on information found in books referenced on this page. The original German titles are used for lectures and publications. The GA number following a title refers to that title's volume number in the collected works, the Gesamtausgabe. Some titles there are linked to references of their english translations.

Summer semesters were typically May through July, and winter semesters November through February, with a month off for Christmas.

Heidegger Chronology

Rejects chair of philosophy in Munich, and Berlin again.

Thanks to Daniel Ferrer, and Cameron McEwen for corrections and additions.

Send additions, corrections or whatever to Don't forget to put your comments in context (what page, what your going on about, etc.)! If you send mail from the form, don't forget to include your email address so that I can reply.

Back to Heidegger home page.

started 1995/5/26
last updated 2001/11/27