Art 150

Intermediate/Advanced Photography

Artist Reports

Each student will prepare a written presentation of an artist's portfolio. You may select any photography artist of interest to you. The photographer may work in any media type and may, or may not, have historic significance. The general criteria are that (a) the photographer should be interesting to you and (b) there should be enough available material so that you can write a fairly complete report, as indicated below. The exact nature of the presentation will depend upon the artist selection that you make.

The presentation should review the work of a professional art photographer. You should include something about the person's background and development. Mostly, however, you should show and discuss some of the person's work that you find attractive and interesting. Also discuss any technical issues that specially apply to the person's work. This can be black&white work from the distant past or color digital work in the contemporary period. The work does not have to be well known but should demonstrate high quality and artistic merit.

You may present the report to class in any format that is convenient for you. For example, you can construct a PowerPoint presentation and place it on your Charlie folder. If the artist's work is available on WebSites, you can show these to the class. You can also simply bring books to class or xerox photos to pass around.

You should also prepare a written version of your presentation. This is due no later than March 27th. You can present this to me as an MS Word file or in hard copy, if you prefer. This should include the images that you will present. Length of this report should be approximately ten (10) pages.

This page updated on 6 February 2009.