Art 50, 100, and 150

Policy Statement
Mr. Beckman

This statement of policy applies to our class activities and warrants a large measure of artistic freedom to all members of the class. Be aware, however, that you may reasonably be asked to justify any "artistic freedoms" that you have chosen to take.

Subject Matter Photographs that you process with institutional equipment, display for critique purposes, or exhibit in a public show for this class may deal with any subject matter whatsoever so long as you are able to reasonably, cogently, and convincingly represent them as artistic work. Certain subject matters are restricted by state and federal laws, and you should make yourself aware of these if you are not already.

Permissions Photographs cannot be exhibited publicly or published in any form (including through the Internet) without the written permission of any (and all) individual(s) who is (are) recognizably depicted in the subject matter. This is the "bottom line" for professional photographers today. For amateur photography, matters are somewhat vague; you will have to develop your own sense of propriety about taking photographs that include human subjects. For this class, you should have a good sense, based at least on conversations, that subjects grant you permission to show their images in class critique sessions. If you include human subjects in any of your publicly shown materials, at the end of the semester, I would suggest that you get written permission if you feel there is any possible cause for misunderstanding or objection on the part of subjects.

Problems As a member of this class, you will be expected to view and critique photographic images that other class members display. If at any time, you feel disturbed by the subject matter of an image, please mention this to me immediately and you will be excused. It is also completely within the bounds of this class to ask another student to justify his/her images on artistic grounds if you feel that "artistic freedom" has been potentially abused.

This page last updated on 12/09/2008; click here to return to the course home page.