Works Cited

1.)Turnbaugh, William A. and Sarah Peabody Turnbaugh. Basket Tales of the Grandmothers. Peace Dale, RI: Thornbrook Publishing, 1999.

2.)Hart, Carol and Dan. Natural Basketry. New York: Watson-Guptill Publications, 1976.

3.)Staffa, Emil Paulicek. Basket Weavers of Coachella Valley 1927.

4.)Bean, Lowell John. Mukat's People Berkeley, Los Angeles, London: University of California Press, 1972.

5.)Mason, Otis T. Aboriginal American Basketry Report of the National US Museum as quoted on page 17 of Turnbaugh, Basket Tales of the Grandmothers. (#1)

6.)Newman, Sandra Corrie. Indian Basket Weaving: How to Weave Pomo, Yurok, Pima and Navajo Baskets Flagstaff, AZ: Northland Publishing, 1992.

7.)Nelson, Byron, Jr. Our Home Forever Salt Lake City: Howe Brothers, 1988

8.)McLendon, Sally and Robert L. Oswalt Handbook of North American Indians Volume 8; Smithsonian Institution: Washington, 1978

9.)Bean, Lowell John and Dorthea Theodoratus Western Pomo and Northeastern Pomo

Background image courtesy of Agua Caliente Cultural Museum.