Mus 67 Film Music
Assignment 12

Due Wednesday 3/3 11:59 p.m.

Harvey Mudd College, Spring 2021

  1. Read Roger Hickman, Reel Music (your textbook), 1st ed. chapters 21-22 or 2nd ed. chapters 17-19.

  2. Read the example paper at Sakai -> Resources -> Example paper -> Film Music Example Paper.pdf.

  3. Read the example outline at Sakai -> Resources -> Example paper -> Film music example outline.pdf.

  4. Use the same Film Spotting Template from Sakai that you use in the film spotting assignments to spot the film you will analyze for your paper. Save your file in xlsx format (not pdf) with the title lastnamePaperSpotting.xlsx (where 'lastname' is your last name) and upload it to your Sakai dropbox.

  5. In your favorite word processor, create an evidentiary outline for your film score analysis paper in the form shown in the example document. It will include both high level points you want to make (roman numerals in your outline) as well as paragraph level descriptions (capital letters). Each point in the outline should be exactly one complete sentence that shows what you intend to get across in that section. You will also include notes about evidence you will use for each point, either in the form of citations or timings in the film. Save your file in docx format (not pdf, not odt, not rtf) with the title lastnameOutline.docx (where 'lastname' is your last name) and upload it to your Sakai dropbox.