Mus 67 Film Music
Assignment 10

Due Wednesday 2/24 11:59 p.m.

Harvey Mudd College, Spring 2021

  1. Read Roger Hickman, Reel Music (your textbook), 1st ed. chapters 18 and 20 or 2nd ed. section on Psycho.

  2. Read Graham Bruce, Chapter 1 from Bernard Herrmann: Film Music and Narrative on Sakai -> Resources -> Articles.

  3. In Sakai -> Forums -> 8 Bernard Herrmann article response, choose one of Herrmann's films mentioned in the article and find a clip from it that includes music. Based on this clip and the information in the reading, compare Herrmann's approach to that of other composers we've looked at so far. Your use of terms from the Music Fundamentals section and the handout on Describing Music are welcome, and your response should be at least 200 words.

  4. Read the example annotated bibliography at Sakai -> Resources -> Example paper -> Film music example annotated biblio.pdf.

  5. In your favorite word processor, create an annotated bibliography for your film score analysis paper. You should have in hand every source that you reference, which means that, if the source is not electronic, you will need to order it as soon as possible. The Claremont Colleges Library will mail the books you need, but you should allow for the extra time to mail and the time to request the item from another library if it's not in Claremont. Your annotation should be a few full sentences for each source describing the relevant information in the source and how it will be useful to you. Bibliographic citations need to be in standard MLA or Chicago format. Save your file in docx format (not pdf, not odt, not rtf) with the title lastnameBiblio.docx (where 'lastname' is your last name) and upload it to your Sakai dropbox.