Mus 67 Film Music
Assignment 3

Due Wednesday 2/3 11:59 p.m.

Harvey Mudd College, Spring 2021

Remember that you need to be logged in with your Google credentials ( to access the video.
  1. Watch--and take notes as you do--Lecture 3: The Romantic Legacy (19:23)

  2. Here are some questions to remind yourself of important points in the video:
    • What are some of the distinctive aesthetic characteristics of Romanticism?
    • What are some ways that music can represent real things?
    • In what ways do Romantic scores represent what is going on in the drama?
    • In what ways can leitmotives be programmatic?

  3. Read Martin Marks, "Music, Drama, Warner Brothers: The Cases of Casablanca and The Maltese Falcon,"" available on Sakai -> Resources -> Articles -> CasasblancaMarks.pdf.

  4. Go to Sakai->Forums->3 Response to video lecture 3. Post a response to the video and article of at least 200 words in which you discuss the ways in which techniques of Romanticism could affect how we perceive the drama and anything else noteworthy. At the end, include any questions you have about the video, the article, or the issues they raise.